Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Shaking And Mini Strokes
Miu Miu spring / summer collection 2010.
The Miu Miu collection for spring / summer 2010 is designed for an innocent girl with a double personality. The young woman
designed by Miuccia Prada wears her hair with braids as a hippie, and always has a passion and often takes refuge in the wardrobe of the '70s, sharp suit with matching high-waisted trousers, jackets minute, pretend the neckline dresses punished, and stays with a student pointed collar pique boleros and rounded with balloon sleeves.
prints and applications stand out for reasons of funny dogs, kittens and stylized swallows that enrich the clothes when we were not already thought of crystals and sequins.
Some models lack the top, replaced by cross sections that cover discovering and contrast with the long sleeves and collars shirt.
feet stand out Mary Jane with peep toe and heel box.
grants, to be carried by hand, often in black leather with the closing of the flower-shaped metal and a kitten with white skin applied at the front. The swallows perched on leather clutch with vertical stripes alternating black python to the gray suede. The closure with magnetic clip is a dove gray.
designed by Miuccia Prada wears her hair with braids as a hippie, and always has a passion and often takes refuge in the wardrobe of the '70s, sharp suit with matching high-waisted trousers, jackets minute, pretend the neckline dresses punished, and stays with a student pointed collar pique boleros and rounded with balloon sleeves.
prints and applications stand out for reasons of funny dogs, kittens and stylized swallows that enrich the clothes when we were not already thought of crystals and sequins.
Some models lack the top, replaced by cross sections that cover discovering and contrast with the long sleeves and collars shirt.
feet stand out Mary Jane with peep toe and heel box.
grants, to be carried by hand, often in black leather with the closing of the flower-shaped metal and a kitten with white skin applied at the front. The swallows perched on leather clutch with vertical stripes alternating black python to the gray suede. The closure with magnetic clip is a dove gray.
Backstage Miu Miu fashion show for spring / summer 2010.
Backstage Miu Miu fashion show for spring / summer 2010.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Tech Deck 7 Live Games
The scientific ignorance Anthony Marciano (Zret) INGV
Antimatter is interesting in that when a particle meets its antiparticle annihilate and disappear both generating energy, almost any form of photons (gamma rays, especially 511KeV and 1 GeV). This process of annihilation is the perfect fuel because the only one able to transform mass into energy. The reaction of 1 kg of antimatter with 1 kg of matter could in fact produce 1.8 × 10 17 J of energy from the equation E = mc ² (and in fact is used by the authors of Star Trek for engines curvature). By contrast, burning 1 kg of oil provides 4.2 × 10 7 J, while the fusion of 1 kg hydrogen would get 2.6 × 10 15 J. In other words, the annihilation of matter with antimatter produces about 70 times the energy produced by nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium and four billion times the energy produced by burning oil (thanks wiki ).
La fonte citata (As also illustrated by Wiki) is a French scientist Jean Pierre Petit ( biography here), we see who he is:
Chiedo ai "fisici" ed ai cultori della materia di segnalarmi eventuali inesattezze.
Bibliografia utilizzata per il Post
Post updated, thanks to the referee Gianni Comoretto
begin to catch up.
begin to catch up.
time ago, in April, I read an article Zret, aka Antonio Marciano degree in modern literature and teacher at the Liceo Classico "Cassini" Sanremo (IM), entitled "Weapons of the Apocalypse " according to which:
The French scientist Jean-Pierre Petit .....( omitted) ....... recently revealed that the U.S., in secret, have created a series of frightening weapons based on this and other technologies. It 's a program of research related to cleverly hidden from the eyes of other nations and citizens. This is a technology from the extreme danger: in fact, not only its possible use, but even a small mistake in his handling could cause the Apocalypse. The United States has developed antimatter bombs, known as "bucky balls " as big as a golf ball, made of a glass screen in which is stored in an incredibly small amount of antimatter, segregated with the help of powerful electrostatic forces. When a particle of matter meets the corresponding particle of antimatter, they can annihilate, releasing the energy of their mass. The electrostatic forces are very strong, so when the photons are captured and when the crystal reaches the melting point, it explodes with a power of 40 kilotons. Practically, even just a tiny amount of antimatter, result in another Hiroshima. Are sufficient nanograms of antimatter to produce this type of ordnance, but the difference is that when operating this kind of weapon, you no longer have nuclear winter, we have a bomb "clean", without radiation. Petit believes that the U.S. is preparing hundreds of these weapons to attack China in the future when it will calm down the winds of war in the Arab countries. The Chinese are very ambitious: they are just the beginning of their development, they want to count in this world and the United States should not be absolutely genius. With this generation of weapons - said the scientist - we have a new extremely high risk of global conflagration with unimaginable consequences.
Apart per il momento i commenti a queste deliranti affermazioni, vediamo quali sono state le fonti scientifiche del nostro intrepido professore.
Per far sembrare il post di un "certo rilievo", cita come fonte il Sole 24h........ mi sono chiesto, ma non è che il sito della Confindustria ha iniziato a scrivere puttanate????
Per far sembrare il post di un "certo rilievo", cita come fonte il Sole 24h........ mi sono chiesto, ma non è che il sito della Confindustria ha iniziato a scrivere puttanate????
Clicco sul link e scopro che:
- ilsole24h non era il sito di Confindustria ma era il sito dell'altro nostro amico Cialtrone di " Sole Attivo " (cosa non farebbe il professorucolo per attirare un pò di attenzione.... peccato per lui che c'è qualcuno che gli fa le pulci),
- a sua volta Sole Attivo rimanda ad un articolo dell'aprile del 2003 del sito di Mednat (un sito di medicine alternative biologico naturali)
- a sua volta Mednat rimanda al sito Nexus di Tom Bosco dove dell'articolo non vi è traccia (rimosso forse in quanto o troppo vecchio o troppo idiota)
......... all'anima delle notizie "stagionate", e poi che dire delle fonti, il prof. Antonio Marcianò non si è proprio dimostrato una certezza da un punto di vista dell'onestà intellettuale!
Si parla poi di antimateria , ed al nostro professorucolo da strapazzo non gli va bene, in quanto il sottoscritto è un astrofilo, da sempre appassionato di storia della fisica, quantum physics and longtime Trekker (remember the engine to "bend ".....?). As I am sure that when it comes to anti-matter, not everyone knows what it is, I will try to explain it simply through a little example (forgive me the eminent physicists readers of this blog).
The matter of the world as we know it (the sun, earth, air, plants, animals, etc.) is composed of elementary particles (like protons, neutrons, electrons and quarks). This does not remove the possibility that there are other "forms of matter" that our senses can not perceive that maybe occur only under conditions of high temperature or high energy (such as the conditions immediately after the Big Bang). One example of a form of matter "alternative is the antimatter, or their antiparticles with the same mass but opposite charge particles (electron-positron, proton-antiproton, neutron-antineutron, while the photon corresponds with its antiparticle). The physical
not prefer one or the other particle, and then again there is a certain theory on why after the Big Bang is "merged" matter rather than antimatter. One of the latest theory, which derives from an analysis of the composition of cosmic rays, explains that after the Big Bang there was a slight overabundance of matter (the scale considered are 1 billion and 1 billion atoms of antimatter +1 atoms of matter, and then annihilated each billion pairs remained a particle of matter) and then to solve the problem is "where it was born this slight overabundance of matter?" .. ..... I do not know and is not the topic of this blog.
The first to notice the existence of antimatter was Paul Dirac, in 1928, when he developed the equation describing the electron which admits two solutions, one of the electron and the other that of a particle still unknown, the positron (antielectron). The positron was subsequently discovered in 1932 by physicist Carl Anderson, among the cosmic rays that bombard the earth.
not prefer one or the other particle, and then again there is a certain theory on why after the Big Bang is "merged" matter rather than antimatter. One of the latest theory, which derives from an analysis of the composition of cosmic rays, explains that after the Big Bang there was a slight overabundance of matter (the scale considered are 1 billion and 1 billion atoms of antimatter +1 atoms of matter, and then annihilated each billion pairs remained a particle of matter) and then to solve the problem is "where it was born this slight overabundance of matter?" .. ..... I do not know and is not the topic of this blog.
The first to notice the existence of antimatter was Paul Dirac, in 1928, when he developed the equation describing the electron which admits two solutions, one of the electron and the other that of a particle still unknown, the positron (antielectron). The positron was subsequently discovered in 1932 by physicist Carl Anderson, among the cosmic rays that bombard the earth.
Conversely there that antimatter is not at all common in the universe, there is only (and in very small quantities)
- in cosmic rays that pass through the earth
- as a product of radioactive decay of certain elements (such as sodium 22)
Antimatter can be produced artificially (fractions of a millionth of a milligram) in particle accelerators (eg. Fermilab in Chicago in the U.S. or at CERN in Geneva). For example, it accelerates protons, using magnets on a lithium target, (not to mention as the dilithium crystals in Star Trek used to control the reaction between matter and antimatter ...... well before the battery was used as target in particle accelerators). Occasionally these collisions produce antiprotons, which are then ushered into the storage ring where, with powerful electromagnetic fields, are run into well-defined paths until they collide with the protons will be running in the opposite
All this is not done for free, ma ha un costo non indifferente. E' stato calcolato che con un dollaro possono essere prodotti circa 6 milioni di antiprotoni, una quantità di materia che potrebbe produrre un'energia di circa a 10 -3 J (una quantità di energia che si richiede per riscaldare un grammo d'acqua di 10 -3 gradi Celsius). Produrre quindi, tramite gli acceleratori di particelle, un solo grammo di antimateria costerebbe, ai prezzi di qualche anno fa, 50 milioni di miliardi di euro........ poco conveniente direi!
Passiamo ora al contenuto delle affermazioni riportate sul blog del Cialtrone.
- a pioneer in astrophysics and magnetohydrodynamics,
- retired member of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, National Centre for Scientific Research)
- author of comic books in French entitled Lanturlu Anselme, designed to explain the principles of science to children and people with no scientific training,
Petit has lost the respect of part of the international scientific community because of some of his controversial statements. Argues that:
- aliens on a planet called "Ummo" are contacted by letter a few selected people, including himself (which is already abundantly sbufalata )
- the U.S. Air Force now has an incredibly fast airplane , called Aurora , thanks to research conducted secretly on magnetohydrodynamics. Aurora would use a conventional turbine propulsion system powered by an air stream controlled by the hypersonic magnetohydrodynamics
- the U.S. military have a bomb that made antimatter explode with success on the planet Jupiter.
In the text reported by the brother of rogue states also:
The United States has developed antimatter bombs, known as "bucky balls " as big as a ball Course, consisting of a glass screen in which is stored in an incredibly small amount of antimatter, segregated with the help of powerful electrostatic forces.
And now there are the DUMB:
- as seen above the containment of antimatter is possible with electromagnetic forces (which require large amounts energy) and non-electrostatic;
- the and bucky balls (which are named after Buckminster Fuller, as reminiscent of the geodesic domes designed by Fuller himself) are not "made" crystal shielded but fullerene, an allotrope m olecolare carbon (unless you intend these ). These molecules, composed entirely of carbon and then assume a form similar to a hollow sphere (and in this case they are called bucky balls), an ellipsoid or tubular (thanks Wiki ). Even was discovered that, at temperatures of -156 ° C, si comportano da superconduttori....... e si va di nulla, altro che cristallo schermato!!
Poi si afferma:
Le forze elettrostatiche sono molto forti, così, quando i fotoni vengono catturati e quando il cristallo arriva al punto di fusione, esso esplode con una potenza di 40 kiloton.
Altre cialtronate:
- traducendo dallo zetarticuliano all'italiano, l'enorme resistenza del C60 assorbirebbe l'energia dei fotoni fino a quando il tutto non esplode di colpo (abbastanza nonsenso, non è possibile immagazzinare energia nucleare in legami chimici, per quanto eccezionalmente resistenti).
- a power of 40 K corresponds to an energy of 1.67 × 10 14 J which in turn corresponds to the energy of 1 gram of antimatter annihilation (always at a cost of 50 million billion euro, as seen above).
He goes
Basically, just even a tiny amount of antimatter, result in another Hiroshima. Nanograms of antimatter are sufficient to produce this type of ordnance, but the difference is that when operating this kind of weapon, you no longer have nuclear winter, we have a bomb "pulita", senza radiazioni.
Anche qui il prof. Antonio Marcianò si esprime in tutta la sua ignoranza, infatti:
- nanogrammi di antimateria corrispondono ad una energia dell'ordine di 10 5 J, ovvero all'energia sprigionata da un terremoto di magnitudo Richter compresa tra 0.5-1, oppure a meno di mezzo chilo di TNT, ovvero una via di mezzo tra una bomba a mano e l'esplosivo utilizzato per la demolizione di un palazzo....... il tutto ad un costo di circa 50 milioni di euro.... conveniente, direi che potrebbe essere definita una bomba equa e eh eh;
- il processo di reazione tra materia and antimatter produces photons that are ionizing radiation especially ...... even if it does not leave radioactive waste not I think of it just a "clean bomb"
Taking the money in the current state of knowledge:
What, Antonio Marciano, we not only tedious, with his writings Pallos, but is expressed in areas where it is highly ignorant and intellectually dishonest (his own brother Rosario).
also add to the hypocrisy of this individual, nonostanle his figures from perecottaio in a comment about the pseudo blog run by him and his brother, reports:
He would make a most beautiful picture on silence.
From a professor then, when it is expressed in fields unknown to him, you expect a little humility, a critical mind and control the sources, but he sieeeeee! Can you imagine a school that teaches ....... maybe instead of explaining his subjects harassing students with his absurd theories ( as reported by his students ). I repeat that I hope my child has never been a professor like him.
Moreover, as shown anche dal buon esse , quanto scritto da Zret e' roba vecchia e copiata da Angeli e Demoni di Dan Brown.
- the production of antimatter is extremely expensive, as it can produce and "save" only in particle accelerators and the process requires a large amount of energy ,
- the process of reaction between matter and antimatter free gamma rays (ionizing radiation) and is not a "clean bomb" for
- have power equal to 1.67 × 10 14 J which corresponds to a power of 40 kt is necessary 1 gram of antimatter (at a cost of billions of € 50 million), with a nanogram (estimated cost of € 50 million) to obtain a maximum lower than the explosion that would produce a bomb of World War II aircraft.
- producing antimatter in particle accelerators it is only a few fractions of a millionth of a milligram (with which, at best, we light a 100 watt incandescent bulb)
What, Antonio Marciano, we not only tedious, with his writings Pallos, but is expressed in areas where it is highly ignorant and intellectually dishonest (his own brother Rosario).
also add to the hypocrisy of this individual, nonostanle his figures from perecottaio in a comment about the pseudo blog run by him and his brother, reports:
He would make a most beautiful picture on silence.
From a professor then, when it is expressed in fields unknown to him, you expect a little humility, a critical mind and control the sources, but he sieeeeee! Can you imagine a school that teaches ....... maybe instead of explaining his subjects harassing students with his absurd theories ( as reported by his students ). I repeat that I hope my child has never been a professor like him.
Moreover, as shown anche dal buon esse , quanto scritto da Zret e' roba vecchia e copiata da Angeli e Demoni di Dan Brown.
Chiedo ai "fisici" ed ai cultori della materia di segnalarmi eventuali inesattezze.
Bibliografia utilizzata per il Post
La Fisica di Star Trek - Lawrence M. Krauss
I segreti della materia - Andrea Parlangeli
Superforza - Paul Davies
Saturday, June 26, 2010
0x4004f00c Error Vista
There are songs that make us want to dance ...
There are songs that make us want to dance,
songs that make me want to sing.
But the best songs are those that make you remember the time when you heard for the first time, and again you broke my heart.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Symbolism Of The Ankle
Friday, June 18, 2010
Ethan Allen Outlet Sale
Open Letter to the President of the Republic
Rilancio un'iniziativa di alcuni ricercatori dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) che, a seguito degli avvisi di garanzia per omicidio colposo inviati dalla Procura della Repubblica dell'Aquila ai componenti della Commissione Grandi Rischi e a dirigenti del Dipartimento Nazionale della Protezione Civile, hanno scritto una lettera (che consiglio di sottoscrivere (**) ) al Presidente della Repubblica.
In questa assurda storia il Procuratore della Repubblica Alfredo Rossini also said:
I would remind the public prosecutor Alfredo Rossini, the current state of knowledge, there is a seismic precursor trusted to implement the evacuation of a city (which in the absence of a plan Specifically, would create panic and chaos in the streets certainly could lead to acts of looting and victims), so there can be no certainty that an earthquake happens and you can not even knowing where and when it happens. Who would take responsibility for such a decision, or to evacuate from the middle region of Abruzzi swarm ?..... How long ?..... And based on what? On forecasts of this kind (see fourth response, the article was also reported in the newspaper "The Capital of Abruzzo, but is not currently available as an archive of the newspaper is under renovation). Can you imagine if it was evacuated and the inhabitants were transferred to Sulmona L'Aquila ......?????
Give voice to the initiative of researchers from INGV, publicized the initiative (**) .
Sorry for the outburst, all due respect for the earthquake victims and to all those who have lost loved ones or the house, but unfortunately the reality is this.
Post modificato per maggior chiarezza
Rilancio un'iniziativa di alcuni ricercatori dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) che, a seguito degli avvisi di garanzia per omicidio colposo inviati dalla Procura della Repubblica dell'Aquila ai componenti della Commissione Grandi Rischi e a dirigenti del Dipartimento Nazionale della Protezione Civile, hanno scritto una lettera (che consiglio di sottoscrivere (**) ) al Presidente della Repubblica.
In questa assurda storia il Procuratore della Repubblica Alfredo Rossini also said:
"Those responsible are highly qualified experts who would have given different answers to the citizens. This is not a failure alarm, the alarm had already come from an earthquake. It is the failure notice that you had to leave their homes. "

see Mr. Prosecutor, the necessary conditions and sufficient to establish a scientifically seismic precursor are: the observability of the event
- the quantitative determination of the event
- causal relationship to the earthquake
- the construction of a physical-mathematical model that explains the ' event, which allows for the discrimination, location and space-time that allows those who follow the same procedure to achieve the same results.
phenomena caused by rocks under tectonic stress such as radon gas emissions, disturbance of the electromagnetic field, earthquake swarms and so are only clues that do not allow an exact prediction of the phenomenon. Without a
seismic precursor can not then discriminate neither the place nor the precise time at which an earthquake will occur.
The only thing to do is exploit the knowledge available to us. Indeed, we are aware (thanks to the studies to the cartography produced by INGV):
- of which countries and cities at risk from earthquakes, the maximum seismic intensity
- waiting on a certain area, then sufficient
take preventive action to limit the damage of an earthquake through the securing of buildings or the construction according to stringent seismic criteria. In Japan and in California, an earthquake of intensity equal to that Aquilano, would not casualties and damage done would create much smaller.
A L'Aquila, in an area of \u200b\u200bhigh seismic risk, "the palace of the government" or the Prefecture and the hospital, two buildings that are defined in the parlance "strategic" or in case of disasters should work for coordination and relief have been rendered uninhabitable by the quake.
In a city with such a seismic risk is unacceptable
- relatively new buildings have collapsed, the prefecture is
- collapsed,
- the hospital (opened in 2000) has been rendered unusable (*) ,
- there was no Office of Civil Defense, there were no
- provincial emergency plan (required by law since 1989, I personally participated in the drafting of that for the Province of Udine),
I wonder then, why the buildings were not placed in strategic security with measures of consolidation?
and the judiciary which is .......?? There is an obvious problem of lack of prevention and instead of investigating the directors, who have not complied with the law, it investigates the lack of foresight!
forecast to alert .... ......... what beautiful words ..... To locate an earthquake precursor, it takes research ...... but without research funding, no research (or researchers with fixed-term contract, paid two pounds, with no certainty for the future that might have to go over the rooftops to be heard) that research can be done ... ..... They should also be investigated all the governments that cut indiscriminately resources to research ..... or not?
Give voice to the initiative of researchers from INGV, publicized the initiative (**) .
Sorry for the outburst, all due respect for the earthquake victims and to all those who have lost loved ones or the house, but unfortunately the reality is this.
Maxine Slave
(*) Clarification as Aldo comment from L'Aquila: the project of the San Salvatore in 1967, the shipyard was opened in 1972 and went on for thirty years with five openings, one for each batch (the last is precisely the one in 2000 you mentioned). The real scandal is that the hospital in 2000 was made fully operational and without omitting any control having no certificate of fitness for use.
(**) Da oggi 22/06/2010 non è più possibile firmare la lettera. Il counter è arrivato a 5165 firme.
(**) Da oggi 22/06/2010 non è più possibile firmare la lettera. Il counter è arrivato a 5165 firme.
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