Here the eighth post with the appointment of inspiration:)
The many questions about the death of Taricone
I get by a reader and audience:On 29 June, following a flying accident happened the day before sull'aviosuperficie of Terni, died Taricone Pietro, a former Big Brother contestant and actor. It was the third victim in four months. A record, if you think that in Italy all the paratroopers killed in all the airfields were in total 7.We tried to give some explanations collecting information and advice provided on the web and trying to reconstruct the causes of this tragedy, which, to our knowledge, it was announced. These cases involve several competing events that we can organize them into different categories: I summarize here the concurring opinion of some experienced skydivers that we collect on our forum "hidden powers"
nazionalpopolare Great sympathy to all the Italian media with where they were broadcast live or pre-paid in floods of tears.
On the causes of the incident but has said very little.
to why a parachutist with 500 jumps, so regarded expert with expensive materials available, has made a real suicide operation that led to the death.
A "Matrix" his friend and owner of parachuting school "The Zoo" - which was a frequent visitor Taricone - Riccardo Paganelli, an eyewitness said technically as the facts are stopping at the same question: why is that crazy maneuver was performed at 30 meters above the ground.
1. The materials
Taricone was an experienced skydiver, but perhaps not enough to use those materials. It uses a sail aerofoil Crossfire 109, understaffed relative to its weight. The 109 refers to the square feet of sail area.
In synthesis the sail is small, has less lift, the deeper you go fast and sudden movements.
The standard ratio for the safety of weight and sail area is 1 square foot per pound of weight. A person of 80-85 kg (180 lbs) + materials should use a parachute at least 180 feet. Based on the experience and and launches the surface can also be reduced. The use of Crossfire, however, 109 (wing that even some experienced skydivers do not dare to use) is recommended for experiments of 700 tosses. Then used a sail perhaps beyond his capacity loaded to 1.7 instead of 2.2 (see forum). Possible that no one has rebuked for it?
2. Climatic conditions
It seems that at the time of the accident the wind was 18 knots from NNW crosswise. A wind of 18 knots, according to a civilian pilot, can move an airliner landing. The pilot of the Cessna should have informed him of the fact.
3. The philosophy of "group"
Taricone Peter, who was not only the school's regular, but real creator / organizer of the group along with Terni Paganelli, is perhaps the victim of a kind of philosophy, which is much enhanced by some, but hotly contested by others in the world of jumpers: one of courage demonstrated by the boldness. An ancient philosophy, but deadly. Taricone was godfather to the birth of a group called "predatory instinct" that was headed by the movement of the right (no objection to the ideals of course). But the desire to be a leader and having to prove something he can pushing irreparable. Some experts dispute this paratrooper mentality in vogue in the sport to consider a "chicken" who do not take risks for men: a sail smaller and faster, more of a turn to the limit. A paratrooper expert also reports a sentence of Paganelli: "Today if you have a katana you're a fool"; it stiletto is a sailboat "pupil." So much to consider a paratrooper with 90 kg less than 1000 jumps, which launches with a S2 170 feet, jokingly (but not too much) a kind of late ... (From the forum
On the way to launch daring group of Terni is the testimony of the video shot by them, pubblicati su youtube in occasione della festa "Animal house", conclusasi tragicamente il 1 maggio con un morto.
All’interrogativo iniziale sul perché di quella manovra si può quindi rispondere con un concorso di concause. Un concorso di concause con molti colpevoli ognuno dei quali, se non davanti alla legge, dovrà fare i conti con la propria coscienza.
Quanto ai media, si è persa nuovamente l’occasione di fare del vero servizio pubblico: nel gettare la tragedia di Taricone nel tritacarne del gossip si è nuovamente fatto mercato della sofferenza piuttosto che farne una occasione di dibattito perché tragedie di questo tipo non si verifichino più. E questo rende la morte di Pietro Taricone even more useless.
The insights on the forum:
Adding staff .
I, even going beyond what he says our reader, I tend to view the ritual murder, for the following reasons:
- On the same airfield, there were three deaths in three months.
- An autopsy has not been done too quickly and has given the order to creaming of the body.
- The lack of autopsy is more so suspicious if one considers that for the two previous deaths, the magistrate had ordered.
- A month before his girlfriend had a similar accident.
- Add some notes symbolism. The Tg and some newspaper articles were clearly coded messages. Too complicated now explain this symbolism, but I just point out that we show that the Tg above: 1.22 per minute are laid red roses (and so far could be a coincidence), the person who places a shirt that says " cuervo, raven, the alchemical symbol of the Masonic ritual death. A murder
signed, in fact.
Now, as Eco says ... a good police investigation should prove that the culprits are us.
But in any school of criminology, police or no one teaches the Masonic symbolism and alchemy.
A good police investigation should proceed in these directions: whether Taricone had said some not too many so-called "hidden powers" to check who supplied him with the parachute, who was with him before the launch (possibly him could numb the senses with a tiny imperceptible injection and psychotropic substances), to ascertain his links with the two earlier deaths (one of them seems to be a friend of Taricone) deepen the ways of the other previous incidents, after which, if any, ask the court why not have ordered an autopsy, to better analyze the symbolism related to the event (from the accident site, the way in which newspapers have published the news, etc.). Sci
short, because power could never investigate itself, and in the few cases where it does, of course, autoassolve.
And so this death will remain unpunished, and we say that these things we took for visionaries.
The question is not who killed Taricone, given that, at least to me, it seems clear enough, the real question is: when will this carnage continues uninterrupted and famous people, ordinary people, lawyers, judges, police officers, police, who continue to have sudden illness, accidents strange, who commit suicide for too much stress, they disappear into thin air?
As we begin to awaken?