Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Am Looking For A Printet

AIDS: Marciano Antonio (Zret) is a jackal ignorant

Ignorance of the people has no limit and Marciano Antonio (Zret Network) is an obvious example.
You tell me .... "But what a drag, always talking about Zret, perhaps exaggerating ...."
Unfortunately I am not exaggerating and I will explain why, but before I do a premise on AIDS (the most" technical " The Post is taken from MedBunker, mostly out of laziness).

On June 5, 1981 was born into the world a new disease, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome . L ' AIDS, a "new" deadly disease spread throughout the world and that spread from one person to a' contact with other con sangue o liquidi biologici.

In poche parole, l' AIDS ( Sindrome da Immunodeficienza Acquisita ), è un'insieme di sintomi causati dall'infezione del virus HIV (ne esistono due tipi, 1 e 2); la prima conseguenza dell'infezione è una diminuzione drastica delle difese immunitarie (i globuli bianchi per semplificare) che causa i disturbi tipici della malattia. Il malato di AIDS, con scarsissime difese, sviluppa una serie di malattie che nell'individuo normale non compaiono o non costituiscono un pericolo, persino alcuni tumori.

These are mostly diseases "opportunistic", typical of immunosuppressed. Death occurs because of these diseases. Typical for example, death from pneumonia, a disease that is now curable with conventional antibiotics.
In recent years, it has been possible with new drugs, to lower the viremia (the amount of virus in the blood), making the disease occurs, but compatible with life, reducing symptoms and consequences. It uses the very term "chronic " as opposed to the fact that in the early years after its onset, the disease had acute course and led to death in a short time.

Today at lunch I had read on the website of the Republic, a article on an important discovery by U.S. researchers who identified 6 amino acids in a protein (the TRIM5) l 'weapon capable of eradicating HIV in a monkey (the rhesus macaque). This discovery could lead to the creation of drugs that replicate the effects, given that humans have the same "shield" can not tackle the source of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), thus giving hope to many HIV infected that causes AIDS.
A "normal" person, reading this could only be happy, be a hope of life to a sick person.

A normal person I told, but as "the mother of idiots is always pregnant", there are jackals, ignorant, idiots who think that Holocaust deniers and the 'AIDS is not caused by a virus or that the HIV virus did not exist (never isolated in the lab) and was invented by the usual conspiracy to sell drugs and vaccines, they say that it is all a fabrication, a false an undue alarm. This news spread on the Internet just like an urban legend.

This stupid urban legend has led to the deaths. Emblematic is the case of un'assertrice the fight against the use of antiretroviral drugs (well summarized in an article by Gianni Comoretto , which is located here ), those used in the treatment of AIDS ( Christina Maggiore ), died of AIDS .... The woman refused treatment, also wrote books and had nursed her daughter against the evidence showing the dangers of such behavior. Even his daughter at an early age, died of the same disease.
If we think that this woman and her daughter could have been saved simply by following what the medicine available to all ...
There are dozens, the "deniers" died of AIDS by refusing to therapy because their HIV exists and causes AIDS.

One of the jackals deniers, there is also in our Marciano Antonio that among the comments in a post ciofeche of his brother (and already here sbufalato ) is expressed in all its slime:

I remind all those Marciano Antonio (Zret nick on the network) : degree in modern literature and teacher at the Liceo Classico "Cassini" Sanremo (IM) .. .. and this idiot is allowed to say that AIDS is not a virus ...... It 'a jackal!

Now imagine that this slippery character to teach your children ......... I get goose bumps just thinking about it!
As I said before, a teacher like this, for what he writes, is a shame for the Italian school.

I recommend it to anyone, not ever bite the shit and the lies that are written to tankerenemy (remember identity card Rosario Marciano ) , always check the source or on sites you trust. If you are interested in the topic is AIDS MedBunker a beautiful place to read (where I got some of the material used)


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Singer Alto Wide Range

Rosario Marciano (Straker): the real uninformed and raccontaballe

Continua l'attività di disinformazione di Rosario Marcianò (Straker). Il personaggio infatti ha presentato  un altro post ciofeca dove afferma:
Abbiamo raccolto alcune informazioni che dimostrano l'esistenza di tecnologie atte a modificare la ionosfera per gli scopi più disparati: migliorare le telecomunicazioni, causare sommovimenti tellurici, creare aurore artificiali, generare luci nel cielo... I negazionisti asseriscono che non è possibile intervenire sulla ionosfera in modo significativo, ma tali affermazioni sono smentite, come tutti gli altri "argomenti" addotti dagli occultatori. E' sufficiente, infatti, compiere delle ricerche e also connect them to the singular events which have occurred in recent years to infer that military technologies are often very sophisticated and destructive operations are used not only in climate control and geo-physical, but also in areas "exotic" as the formation of spirals celestial .
and in support thereof (as evidenced by Essse I anticipated, but now I had already started writing) strangely carries an abstract of an article in Nature . As is customary share of the brave komandanten omit or edit articles for its ask for (and thus distorting the meaning) I went to check ..... eh eh eh.
Below is the original text and branded: nature03243.html
Generation of artificial light in the sky by Means of high- power radio waves interacting with the Ionospheric Plasma Has Been envisaged since the early days of radio exploration of the upper atmosphere, with Proposed applications ranging from regional night-time street lighting to atmospheric measurements1. Weak optical emissions have been produced for decades in such ionospheric ‘heating’ experiments, where they serve as key indicators of electron acceleration, thermal heating, and other effects of incompletely understood wave–particle interactions in the plasma under conditions difficult to replicate in the laboratory. The extremely low intensities produced previously have, however, required sensitive instrumentation for detection, preventing applications beyond scientific research . Here we report observations of radio-induced optical emissions bright enough to be seen by the naked eye, and produced not in the quiet mid-latitude ionosphere, but in the midst of a pulsating natural aurora. This may open the door to visual applications of ionospheric heating technology or provide a way to probe the dynamics of the natural aurora and magnetosphere . La generazione di luci artificiali nel cielo per mezzo di onde radio ad alta potenza, che interagiscono con il plasma ionosferico, è stata prevista sin dai primi giorni dell'esplorazione radio dell'alta atmosfera, con applicazioni che spaziano dall'illuminazione notturna delle strade alle misurazioni atmosferiche. Emissioni ottiche deboli sono state prodotte per decenni in esperimenti di riscaldamento della ionosfera. Sono tests che sono serviti da indicatori chiave circa l'accelerazione degli elettroni, l'aumento termico ed altri effetti relativi alle interazioni onda-particella nel plasma, interazioni non completamente comprese, in condizioni difficili da replicare in laboratorio.[...] Da segnalare le osservazioni di emissioni radio-ottiche sufficientemente luminose da essere viste ad occhio nudo e prodotte non nella tranquilla ionosfera, ma nel bel mezzo di una pulsante aurora boreale. Questo potrebbe aprire la porta ad applicazioni visive basate sul riscaldamento della ionosfera.

A parte la traduzione che spesso lascia un po a desiderare (anche se il cialtrone ha cambiato il traduttore i risultati per lui non cambiano, l'inglese not learn with a fake degree and fake .... my friend), as you can see the phrases have been omitted which reduce the phenomenon to "use scientific "......... Straker are a PALLISTA!!

also to try to "blow" on the player (or mostly on the various suckers, not fake or his brother, who are accustomed to lick his ass to please him) said:
The link HAARP - ionosphere (correlation stubbornly rejected by the old and new disinformation )........
But you're right a pallista ....... Dear fool, but who ever rigettatto nothing, there is also written on the official HAARP (which is public)!

I recommend it to anyone, Rosario Marciano is a forger (remember his identity card), do not ever bite the shit that he says or writes, always check the source!



PS Not to forget ........

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Monster Energy Inflatable Can For Sale In Oregon

The scientific ignorance of Corrado Penna

Post updated on 23/08/2010

Our pseudofisico Cepoide Corrado Penna (given the time that he has made will have graduated with CEPU?) Published a post on how to detoxify heavy metals some copy and pasted (and rifritta fried stuff) from here .

Leaving aside for the moment the comments to the statements in the post, let's see what were the sources of science and therefore part of our intrepid professor

Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages : Here is the description on Amazon
"The Secret Teachings of All Ages" is a portal to and a directory of Symbology and esoteric knowledge. It is Known as an Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, and Rosicrucian symbolical philosophy Qabbalistic, But It is so very much more!
What about a good scientific source worthy of a physical ...... or not?
Paul Fassa, How to Detox Your Body from Fluoride (translated as "Paolo Fassa ".... that is the President of the Italian Fassa Bortolo .... what idiots!):
Paul Fassa .... a paranoid conspiracy theorist, this is il suo "curriculum" 
Paul Fassa has managed to survive the Standard American Diet (SAD) and his youthful folly by deprogramming gradually from mainstream health ideology and studying holistic health matters informally with his wife while incorporating them into his lifestyle as a vegetarian.
He also practices Chi-Lel Chi Gong, and he is trained as a polarity therapy practitioner. He is dedicated to warning others of the corruption of food and medicine in our time, and guiding others toward a better direction for health.
Anche questa una bella fonte scientifica...........

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD,  Chelation: How to remove Mercury, Lead, & other Metals : Although Klinghardt Dietrich is a real doctor to search the Internet is not that I ever wrote that article, the only reference here is and has nothing to do see the doctor.

James A. Dukes, Ph D., Dr. Duke's Essential Herbs is an American botanist and is known for numerous publications about botanical medicine "(thanks Wiki )

McEnvoy David, Why Fish Oil Is Brain Fuel: is mentioned a lot in internet but can not find the original source

Come si dice all'anima delle delle fonti, oltretutto, come nelle sue migliori tradizioni, le affermazioni riportate vengono completamente estrapolate dal loro contesto e riutilizzate per le loro cialtronate cambiandogli così di significato. Il prof. Corrado Penna non si è proprio dimostrato una certezza da un punto di vista dell'onestà intellettuale!
Guardiamo ora i contenuti, il post parla di come disintossicarsi da metalli, assimilati dall'organismo attraverso i cibi, che dovrebbe essere ambito "biologico-medico". Ricordo a tutti che Corrado Penna NON E' UN MEDICO, ma dovrebbe essere un docente di matematica e fisica presso l'Istituto Scolastico Superiore "G. Antonietti" di Iseo (I use the conditional in that its name does not appear in any list of the Province of Brescia ).
I will not dwell on chelation therapy and other biological and medical subjects covered (perhaps could be a starting point for MedBunker ), but there are some statements that make me think of that character on cialtronaggine:

In first of all we talk about mercury contamination in fish and seafood (quet'ultimi the fish pen ...... I miss it similar to what the public reads!) without reporting any data, then talking about the sex of angels. .... for a change, can not contradict himself as paranoid conspiracy ......

Then says
Garlic contains much sulfur, including groups of higher value-hydryl Sulph, which oxidize mercury, cadmium and lead and make these metals water soluble. (...)

Sifting through the net I found here an article written by two researchers at the University of Udine (Flavia Cantarutti and Rodolfo Ballestrazzi) showing data secure certificate more reliable than the states pseudofisico (I advise everyone to read it because it explains very well the problems between fish-mercury):
MeHg binds specifically to sulfur (S), then the sulfur amino acids, "distributed" so throughout the muscle tissue of the animal. For this reason, it is impossible to separate portions of fish containing Hg private parties.

short, everything the opposite of what was stated by the body and mind.

Below I an extract of the article for complete information:
(.....) The largest contribution di mercurio nelle popolazioni non esposte direttamente all’elemento per motivi di lavoro (miniere o industrie specifiche) avviene per via alimentare, tramite ciclo enteroepatico, sotto forma di MeHg. Il suo assorbimento, tramite questa via, è dell’ordine del 95% delle quantità presenti nella dieta, indipendentemente dal fatto che questa forma sia unita a proteine o alla frazione acquosa dell’alimento.
Gli alimenti più a rischio, per quest’elemento, sono i prodotti ittici, nei quali almeno 80-95% dell’elemento, è già presente sotto forma di MeHg. Pare che il pesce possa assorbire questo composto, che é idrosolubile, anche attraverso le branchie. Unlike organochlorines, which bioaccumulate in fatty tissues of fish, MeHg binds specifically to sulfur (S), then the sulfur amino acids, "distributed" so throughout the muscle tissue of the animal. For this reason, it is impossible to separate portions of fish containing Hg private parties. The ratio of MeHg that accumulates in muscle tissue of fish in its habitat and that this is about 1,000,000:1, but values \u200b\u200bcan exceed ten times greater (ie 10.000.000:1). Roe (2003) confirms that methyl mercury can concentrate in fish tissues than the surrounding water, by a factor of 10 6.5.
fish species at greater risk of accumulation sono quelle più in alto nella piramide alimentare (i consumatori finali), quindi i predatori marini, longevi, come gli squali, i pesci spada, il tonno, l’ippoglosso e, per quanto riguarda le specie d’acqua dolce, il pesce persico ed il luccio. Le specie non carnivore, più in basso nella piramide alimentare, ad esempio le carpe, i coregoni o certi cefali, non accumulano grandi quantità di Hg giacché, la “biomagnificazione” attraverso la catena alimentare risulta, in questi pesci, notevolmente inferiore.
Le specie marine predatrici possono accumulare MeHg in concentrazioni comprese tra 500 e 1.500 μg/Kg. Nei pesci oceanici, i livelli oscillano tra 0 e 500 μg/Kg, con valori medi di 150 g / kg, while in freshwater fish, values \u200b\u200bare observed between 200 and 1,000 g / kg, with a
average of 200-400 g / kg.
To understand the magnitude of the accumulation of this element in fish, just remember that its average content in foods varies between 3 and 20 g / kg, and are certainly rare values \u200b\u200bexceeding 60 g / kg.
variability in MeHg content of various fish, however, depends on other factors: age of the animal, its growth, in turn dependent on food-trophic level (high or low), the habitat in general , the metabolic pathways of excretion.
fish species eliminated very slowly mercury absorbed. The half-life of MeHg, if the exposed organisms are moved to non-contaminated areas, ranging from 6 months (for mussels) at 2 years (the pike).
In lakes, the mercury content of fish is generally higher in the presence of acidic waters, probably because the methylation of mercury is faster with low pH. Therefore, the acidification of natural waters increases, indirectly, exposure to MeHg of those who eat fish. According to data published by the waters of the U.S. Environmental Agency (1997), the most common freshwater species, from samples analyzed during the period 1990 to 1995, showed the following values:

in shellfish analyzed and grouped by "macro-areas" geographic the greatest average concentrations appear to be any where from the North Atlantic (0.15 ppm on a dry basis) or the eastern Gulf of Mexico (0.14 ppm on a dry basis) (Table 2). Finally, the analysis of data for most categories of goods consumed (Table 3) showed that species with greater accumulation of Hg are: tuna, "Pollack" il merluzzo ed il pesce gatto.
Sopra i 100 ppm (sul peso umido) sono anche le concentrazioni di Hg nei granchi.
Nel Mar Mediterraneo, in passato, in una popolazione di tonni comuni sono state riscontrate concentrazioni di mercurio fino a 4.300 μg/kg, ossia 4-5 volte più elevate di quelle riscontrate negli esemplari della stessa specie, pescati nell’Atlantico. Ciò tuttavia potrebbe avere cause naturali, sia perché il tonno è una specie migratoria, con territori di pastura molto ampi quindi anche lontani, dentro possibili sources of pollution, both because the Mediterranean is part of a geological system (Pacific ocean-Mediterranean-Himalayan) where there are several mineral deposits mercuriferi.
According Ghidini, et al., The mercury concentrations obtained from samples of fish species in the northern Adriatic, are the following:

long a joint international committee of experts (the JECFA1) monitors the presence of mercury in populations a regular basis (1970, 1972, 1978 and 1993), publishing reports on the subject. In 1972, this organization indicated a provisional tolerable weekly consumption of 0.3 mg (= 300 g) of total Hg for an adult of 60 kg, of which no more than 0.2 mg in the form of MeHg. These amounts are equivalent to 0.005 mg and 0.0033 mg, respectively, per kg liveweight.
When the total consumption of mercury in the diet exceeds 0.3 mg per week / per capita, the level of alkyl compounds of the element must be calculated on the amount of pure metal actually ingested.
Several epidemiological studies in the world have served to clarify the reference values. A first study on
populations of Native Americans (with higher intakes of MeHg, for the consumption of fishery products) concluded that 0.2 mg per individual are olleria by the human body only for a short period without causing a risk of poisoning in the population. In 1978, further studies have confirmed the tolerance limit for mercury set in 1972.
However, the WHO in 1989, was re-examined the problem HG, confirming the above limits for adults, excluding, however, women during pregnancy and lactation, because of the risk posed by Hg their offspring. According to a recent FDA report (2002), pregnant women should evitare di assumere pesce spada, squalo e sgombro.
Tutti gli altri tipi di pesce a rischio (ovvero carnivori di 3° o 4° livello trofico nella piramide alimentare) potrebbero esser mangiati con moderazione, in misura pari a 300-400 g/settimana.
La dose letale di Hg per l’uomo viene indicata tra 1 e 4 grammi, anche se sono noti casi di mortalità a seguito d’assunzioni molto inferiori, dell’ordine di centinaia di milligrammi. Probabilmente non viene considerato il fatto che, con la cottura, il pesce perde acqua e la quantità di mercurio che rimane legata alla massa organica si concentra.
Nella realtà il consumatore di pesce può raggiungere la dose massima di Hg ingeribile settimanalmente or by ingesting a large quantity of fish with low levels of Hg, or small amounts of fish, but with high levels of the element.
Therefore, the problem that the legislature was faced with was to protect consumers, with a limit of maximum concentration in fish products (in turn calculated on the basis of average food consumption of fish from various parts of the population) the considerable variability of concentration in different fish species.
Italy has taken the first (1971) precautionary measures in the legislation (Ministerial Decree), requiring, for this element, a limit maximum of 0.5 mg / kg for the fish from the foreign market.
Absurdly, for all the fish from non-EU countries and extended to frozen sharks and swordfish, both national and Community, the limit was raised to 0.7 mg / kg in 1974.
Other countries (Sweden, Denmark, Japan) during the same period, however, had different sets limits, higher, or 1 ppm.
Only recently, it has come to a uniform legislation in Europe and have been issued numerous regulations for heavy metals: Directive 91/493/EEC, Decision 93/351/EEC and Council Regulations (EC) No And No. 466/2001 221/2002. Under these rules are defined, in the products of pesca, sia i livelli consentiti di contaminazione da Hg che i piani e le modalità di campionamento previsti per tale scopo. Viene stabilito che il tenore medio di Hg totale nelle parti commestibili dei prodotti della pesca non deve superare 0,5 mg/kg di peso fresco, ad eccezione di alcune specie ittiche elencate, per le quali il tenore medio è fissato in 1,0 mg/kg (vedi tabella 5).
Insomma la situazione non mi sembra così seria, chiaramente è sempre bene essere informati per valutare la situazione volta volta.

Anche il Penna, come Rosario Marciano , has problems with the units of measurement (this convinces me more that you have graduated with CEPU). Indeed it says:
other foods that contain HFC are contaminated with mercury. Here is the graph produced by the EPA:
As you can see the values \u200b\u200bin the table are expressed in ppt or parts per trillion (one million) and there are no limit values \u200b\u200bbut only the limit of detection of instrument. Considering that the limits are expressed in Italian:
  1. mg / kg (ppm = parts per million) for fish products (see below) and for land
  2. g / lt (bilone or ppb = parts per billion) for water
and regulatory constraints that currently provide
  • from 1.0 to 5.0 mg / kg for land (residential or industrial)
  • 1.0 g / l for water
  • 0.5-1.0 mg / kg for the fish to the species
NB remember everyone that fixing the limits of permissible concentrations should not be considered as a declaration of nuisance. In fact the limit indicated does not derive from the fact that values \u200b\u200bin excess of the limit of being harmful, but from the consideration of reducing the risk of exposure to contaminants.

So taking for example the highest value in the table above, with 350 ppt, this corresponds to 0.00035 mg / kg ...... say that an alarming amount ...... noo?

But then a clumsy and forever ..... eh eh eh Ignorance is an ugly beast, but he seems not to import ..... poor students (assuming they still teach).

Moreover, this character (the adjective fit it in you) by tampo sbandiera la teoria  della connessione tra vaccini (a base di mercurio) ed autismo. Tale notizia, come riportato da MedBunker (un medico VERO), è FALSA e non provata e fu diffusa da un ex medico (radiato dall'albo dei medici britannici e "radiato" dalla scienza con il ritiro definitivo del suo studio su Lancet) che cercò di provare una correlazione tra le vaccinazioni pediatriche e l'autismo ma tale studio si rivelò condotto con metodi eticamente, scientificamente ed umanamente scorretti e disonesti.

Riporto, di seguito, uno stralcio dell' articolo di MedBunker :
Wakefield sempre più in basso.

Andrew Wakefield, a former doctor who spread the news (fake) have uncovered a connection between vaccines and autism for some time he threw the mask.
After the incident that saw him involved, and that marked the lives (and dignity) was the removal from the epilogue of British doctors and the "radiation" from science with the final withdrawal of his study in the Lancet that he should prove a correlation between the pediatric vaccines and autism, but that turned out to be conducted with methods ethically, humanely and scientifically incorrect and dishonest.
Since then, Wakefield has not mai cercato di "rientrare" nell'ambito scientifico ma si è abbandonato totalmente alla ciarlataneria con partecipazioni a programmi di medicina alternativa, trasmissioni di ufologia e cospirazionismo, interviste con gente che parla con i defunti e vede gli UFO.
E persevera. L'ultima "ospitata" ufficiale è stata nella trasmissione di Alex Jones , l' esagitato grande guru del complottismo, uno che vedrebbe un complotto degli uomini in nero anche nel pannolino di suo figlio neonato con gli Illuminati che lo inseguono anche di notte. Wakefield nella sua deriva ufologico-complottista, negli Stati Uniti si è meritato l'appellativo di Darth Wakefield.

Che l'ex medico sia stato scorretto non si discute ma il suo comportamento degli ultimi mesi sta delineando un personaggio ed una personalità che rende ancora più ingenue le centinaia di persone che ancora credono in lui (anche in Italia) e che in nome suo si sono associate nella assurda battaglia contro i vaccini.
Se non serve nemmeno questo a far capire a chi hanno dato fiducia su temi come i vaccini e l'autismo...
Nel frattempo in California è esplosa un'epidemia di pertosse che ha registrato oltre 2500 casi (dato più alto dal dopoguerra) con almeno sette (alcune fonti riportano 6) bambini morti e tra poche settimane inizia la scuola...
Un'altra "
vittoria" dei movimenti antivaccino. In fondo 7 bambini morti cosa possono essere in confronto al piacere di ostacolare gli interessi di Big Pharma?

Mi raccomando, 
  1. se pensate di avere una intossicazione da metalli pesanti rivolgetevi ad un medico vero,
  2. relativamente alle vaccinazioni ed ai problemi con il mercurio io ho le mie idee, derivate da colloqui con più MEDICI, e non trovo corretto esprimerle su un blog, non I am a doctor and do not want to influence anyone, either on one side or the other, the advice I can give you more information, please contact the doctors and then decide with conscience.
Corrado Penna repeat, NOT 'A DOCTOR , not believe the crap he writes on the Internet (often along with Rosario Marciano and tankerenemy )!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Is It Good To Fart After The Stomach Flu?

Eng. Dog .... and Eng. marco??

Post Updated. I reloaded the movie as the conversion of youtube did a bit of mess. At this point I have added others.

I found an old Mac's hard disk movie with Mai Dire Gol Gialappa of Fabio de Luigi, who played the engineer. Dog ........ As soon as I saw made me think of the pseudoingegner Marco (Straker so fond of) and I imagined with his theories on the compressibility of the fluids eh eh eh








Alcune perle:
  • è in tubi è un ponte, if it is on paper is a project!
  • ..... made to the mobile phone number of this Pythagoras and cantagliene THOUSAND!
  • cabinet ..... What?? these are the pieces for the bridge! we take them at IKEA, where ..... I believe that we are going to take them!
  • ..... The chemical formula of fate: "x - y return to the fifth to the fourth least 1000"
  • ..... I am happy because I finally found it! Grappa I had given at Christmas! Strong hug! The brandy with pear inside! How will they do? Are geniuses! I've got months of thought! See? The cubic volume pear does not pass through the beam most greek entrance of the bottle! Gentlemen .... this is a miracle! Faced with these phenomena the scientist raises his arms and says "I will stop here!
  • ..... we put the last stone, the first put it recently, there are only those in the middle !
  • ........ ..... and how much mystery in the word "mm"!

Sometimes it takes a little fooling around. Now I'm in a bit birroteca.

Fioba (unfortunately, the holidays are over ...... the NWO I drew the duty)  

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cost To Build Tennis Court In Backyard Las Vegas

Ops ..... They said something I

Miii....... Non ci posso credere!!
Nel PD hanno detto qualcosa di sinistra.
Peccato che l'ha dovuta dire Franceschini.....ex DC

Comunque meglio di niente..... direi che ci possiamo accontentare.
Ciao a tutti
Fioba (rientrato dalle ferie ma che fra 9gg ci ritorna)