Post updated on 06/09/2010
E 'for over a year that I have to do with the Fuffaro Rosario Marciano, respondent's network to the name of Straker. I remind everyone that it is thanks to his prowess (along with the complicity of Pepe Ramone of Controradio ) that I started this blog.
I realized that I have to be really on Zebedee.
fact I was (what I always thank Pepe Ramone):
- threatened, vilified and denigrated by the quack and the his band of fools
- quote of his Nazi-Fascist list of occultists (I'm definitely honored the company)
- subject to a specific post.
To do so pissed off even more (on the occasion of his birthday) and especially to warn all those
- we have to do visiting its processes blog (including politicians, journalists and so-called environmentalists)
- or who have the misfortune hear some of his talk (if you can call it)
want, with this post that will be released on his birthday (49 years), highlight what is the identity card sity of the Charlatan by the summary of some of his "pearls" and alleged falsification of evidence.
1) Educational
Rosario Marciano, appears to have (given the subject of the conditional obligation) a diploma surveyor (he translated into English "Geometer", which also makes us understand your level of proficiency in the English-speaking), but nevertheless seems to have some serious problems and, above all, ignore the typical high school trigonometry:
- Link 1
- Link 2 Link 3
- Link 4 Link 5
He then tried to rebuild their virginity to a degree FALSE, but it has been proven wrong and publicly disgraced.
He tried to deny the obvious, but it was so stupid that the site of the doors of the universe had entered the same curriculum reported at the time by acarsterminator.
In particular, the site of the doors of the cosmos, Rosario Marciano boasted a title of Doctor,
- removed from the text in March 2009 (but left in the conference title) ,
2) Activities: Pseudo-computer expert
The Fuffaro was disguised as "computer expert" (as he had a site called Fast Computer Service), but once tried to sell crap to "point computer "has been publicly mocked for his incompetence. Indeed had mistaken the social engineering (fraudulent use via telephone, mail and the like with fake credentials to appropriate information concerning accounts, passwords, the hapless victim) with those published by means of P2P exchange (eg. E-mule) renamed with viruses and trojan of known programs. Indeed
a prescient comment ................
21/06/2005 h.16.58
share in full.
and judging from the various reactions I get the impression that this is his first and last article on public IP
not happy, you interviewed by Republic (the journalist when it becomes aware of the cialtronaggine '"hacker" Italian Straker .... you go off to big) where he states that (quoted by Essse ):
"Just write a file of type 'batch' with a few simple commands, and within seconds, automatically, is made tabula rasa of a host of important files. When you restart, the system will no longer be usable "
file a" batch "DOS (old ***. bat) are system commands that usually do not control the virus .. .... But so do children, once the controls were written in DOS, Windows clik that if such a file, maybe you came and leads through IE (remember the fool until recently was using IE6 .... .. a sure thing for safety!) or Outlook, you really are an idiot! And it is taken for a ride plenty here and here :
indeed needed a hacker to explain the world to run a batch with a "del c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ *.*" can be dangerous and that the virus does not save you ...
Note then the figure of shit in his attack on Wiki , for which he was publicly ridiculed here, here , here, here , here because of incompetent, did not know that the log keeps track of who makes changes (You're a big computer it?), Demonstrating, once again, be ignorant.
Also on the trail of computer pundits, debunkers often complain that we have access to confidential information , untraceable on the net ........ Just to let you know the jurisdiction of that individual and the ease with which information leaves the network (unless you want them to appear) is given below those left around thanks to Fast Computer Service, the pseudo conference that has the courage to take and the scam that sells books:
- your resume (along with that of his brother on the site of the doors of the cosmos)
- his signature (on the books that try to sell crap)
- its address (on the advertising of Fast Computer Service)
- its address (for info on the form of Fast Computer Service)
- the your credit card information (when sold wallpapers Carmen Electra ..... have been allowed?)
All freely downloadable from the internet .... and this would be a computer expert .....' sti cocks!
3) Activities: Pseudo-physics expert
Consistent with his ignorance, does not know the units of measurement. Straker In fact, talking about HAARP, in this video re-edited by Axlman , says:
The third nonsense has created a new unit of the International System misuta ....... The Gigabit Watt ........ ah ah ah ah ah.
is convinced to the point that he repeats it at the conference of April 19, 2009 ( watt audio gigabite ).
In post here we see that Straker is ignorant in light (from sbufalato genx ):
course, as also reported here , Straker is not like writing, but:
Scientific method
In post here we see that Straker is a staunch supporter of Creed Fuffaro (points No. 16 and 17) and in fact states:
When making theories must be proved according to the scientific method (the typical way in which science proceeds to achieve a knowledge of objective reality , reliable, verifiable ee shared ).
So a theory must be supported by a collection of empirical evidence, and measurable through observation (objective and reliable) and the experiment (verifiable and understandable) so it can be verified by others (such as, inter alia, have done in the past as Galileo and Leonardo da Vinci).
So the burden of proof is up to you and not to us. If you do not follow these basic rules, all I propose is crap!
4) Activities: Pseudo-versed in chemistry
Consistent with his ignorance, does not know the units of measurement. Straker In fact, talking about HAARP, in this video re-edited by Axlman , says:
emit ELF waves and ULF, and ELF waves and electromagnetic waves, extremely high, and produce gigabytes of watts in the ionosphere, riscaldaldola, and creating a sort of corridor ... In a few secondssaid three large mob, the ELF (Extremely Low Frequency ) are really very low frequency waves, but so are the ULF ( Ultra Low Frequency ). The HAARP program does not use or waves or ELF ULF waves, but waves HF (High Frequency ), not for nothing that HAARP is an acronym for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
The third nonsense has created a new unit of the International System misuta ....... The Gigabit Watt ........ ah ah ah ah ah.
is convinced to the point that he repeats it at the conference of April 19, 2009 ( watt audio gigabite ).
In post here we see that Straker is ignorant in light (from sbufalato genx ):
Veniamo alla prima affermazione:
Il blu è uno dei colori dello spettro che l'uomo riesce a vedere. È uno dei tre colori primari, insieme al giallo ed al rosso. Ha la lunghezza d'onda più breve tra tutti i colori (circa 470 nanometri).
Innanzitutto il blu non è "quello con la lunghezza d'onda più corta", che per vostra informazione è il violetto (casualmente al sotto di quella lunghezza d’onda si chiamano raggi ultravioletti e non ultrabluetti )
Then it is true that the red and blue are the "primary colors" , but the third is not yellow.
If we talk about light, the three primary colors: Red, Green, and Blue But given the ignorance that characterizes Rosario Marciano, of course thought of RGB (Red, Green and Blue) and the 'translated with Red Yellow and Blue (in English this stranger!).
contrast colors, and in reality are always three are Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, which are oddly complementary of the previous three. In practice we add black, getting the RGB and CMYK. As you can see from the diagram, then every type of synthesis as the sum of the other colors.
Now we see the second assertion:
Blue is a common color. It is the color of the sky and a large quantity of water. The sky appears blue because the molecules of gases in the atmosphere tend to reflect only the blue light has shorter wavelength, while the longer wavelengths tend to pass without being reflected. The water is blue because red light is absorbed by it.
course, as also reported here , Straker is not like writing, but:
When crossing the atmosphere, most of the radiation of greater wavelength continues its straight line . The red, orange and yellow is affected only minimally by the presence of air. In contrast, blue light is diffused in all directions. In any direction you look, some of this light reaches our eyes. The sky, therefore, appears blue.
That is precisely the opposite of what scrive Straker. Se fosse come scrive lui, infatti anche il tramonto sarebbe blu. Invece è arancione perchè aumentando lo “spessore” di atmosfera da attraversare, l’aria (ma soprattutto l’acqua sospesa in essa) inizia comportarsi come un prisma (ad. es. la copertina di The Dark Side of the Moon)
Infine la terza affermazione. Secondo Marcianò il cielo è bianco per le nanoparticelle metalliche:
Perchè la luce solare viene riflessa dalle microparticelle di metalli (diffusi con le chemtrails) presenti in atmosfera. Nella risposta al cielo blu abbiamo la spiegazione del cielo bianco...wavelengths greater do not pass without being reflected (as it should happen in an unpolluted atmosphere), but are intercepted by the reflective metal (aluminum and Tiñana in the first place) and then the sunlight, which appears white to us, determines the new color of the sky: white, appunto.Questa is another demonstration of pollution from metal nanoparticles in our atmosphere.
Right, so before 1990 (or 2000, now the conspiratorial you are out of date), in which according to them there were chemtrails, the sky was never white. The reality however is (and could not be otherwise!) a little different :
The clouds and fog appear white because it consists of particles larger than the wavelengths of visible light, and spread all colors equally.
This same phenomenon of water droplets sprayed by sprinklers, with the incident light, shows the rainbow. And the rainbow that appears in the sky .. Finally
analysis, as we see they do not work because it is natural to provide the explanation.In fact, what is ignorant, the analysis does not really serve ........ not understand what they read!
Scientific method
In post here we see that Straker is a staunch supporter of Creed Fuffaro (points No. 16 and 17) and in fact states:
Bello easy win ....... Rosariucco true?!
- If desired, the analysis is there, but I repeat do not need.
- overcome the prejudice and the dogma of having to prove. There is nothing left to prove. It 's time to displace from their benches poisoners and their supporters and for that we need to focus on taking of consciousness of the masses. Remember that the masses are afraid that our governments, since they can not even control them as they wish.
When making theories must be proved according to the scientific method (the typical way in which science proceeds to achieve a knowledge of objective reality , reliable, verifiable ee shared ).
So a theory must be supported by a collection of empirical evidence, and measurable through observation (objective and reliable) and the experiment (verifiable and understandable) so it can be verified by others (such as, inter alia, have done in the past as Galileo and Leonardo da Vinci).
So the burden of proof is up to you and not to us. If you do not follow these basic rules, all I propose is crap!
4) Activities: Pseudo-versed in chemistry
In keeping with his resume (he states that he taught chemistry ..... you go for nothing!) delights us also for "chemical".
fact, the rogue leader performs with a post on his blog garbage on Barium.
This fool says that the fuel additive STADIS450 is responsible for the presence of barium in soils and waters (especially in the vicinity of airports)
Now you need to know that barium is not even included among the contaminants of the Consolidated Environment Leg. 152/2006, has therefore a limit in its waters in soils. Not content with a list of substances in which the barium is not present ( guide here on my blog )..... he also manages to debunk alone eh eh eh.
public another post where ciofeche attach a certificate of analysis of rainwater levied in Australia "after heavy spraying" compared with mineral water and tap water, indicating that it is heavily contaminated ......
But we see the certificate:
At first glance it would seem to be right, but as Rosario Marciano is a bootleg and a Fuffaro (see below) you should not trust. The certified results expressed in micrograms per liter, but the regulatory limits (usually expressed as the EPA and Ente Australian) are expressed in milligrams per liter ........ There are three orders di grandezza di differenza. Quindi se volete paragonare i limiti normativi con i risultati delle analisi , la cifra in verde, deve essere moltiplicata per mille......... e come per magia....... tutto torna nei limiti ed il complotto scompare (per correttezza Alluminio, manganese -questi due elementi tra i più abbondanti sulla terra-, arsenico e zinco sono leggermente sopra i limiti.... ma va vai a sapé come hanno campionato e come hanno conservato il campione, pensate che in genere per la ricerca dei metalli il campione viene filtrato a o.45 micron....). Il post è stato commentato anche dai colleghi Hanmar e Riosaba .
Come dire, "CU NASCE TUNNU NON PO MORERE QUADRATO"..... ignorant, or was, and remains ignorant!
5) Activities: Pseudo-and Sperti in atmospheric physics (context chemtrails)
This field and matter, which purports experience, is always of the highest figures perecottaio fact:
According to him the atmosphere is conductive to radio waves, not understanding that if it was really all the radio waves would be absorbed ..... but ignorant! ( here sbufalata of the Hanmi)
not know the difference between absolute humidity, specific and relative , leading to say that in proportion as there a little water, it can be formed contrails. remind everyone that:
- Absolute humidity is the amount of water vapor in grams contained in one cubic meter of air. The absolute humidity increases with temperature, moisture saturation increases more than proportionally relative humidity and then tends down. When a drop in temperature leads to coincide with the absolute humidity to saturation there is a condensation of water vapor and the heat value is called the dew point temperature. In correspondence of this value if you have a cold you have the dew (frost to values \u200b\u200bbelow zero), if the condensing covers a layer above the ground you have the fog. It's a little appreciable value and therefore we prefer the use of ' specific humidity.
- The specific humidity is the ratio of the mass of water vapor and moist air mass, a value that varies depending on the pressure and temperature.
- L'umidità relativa (si misura in percentuale) è il rapporto tra la quantità di vapore acqueo contenuto in una massa d'aria e la quantità massima di vapore acqueo che la stessa massa d'aria riesce a contenere nelle stesse condizioni di temperatura e pressione (saturazione). Se l'umidità relativa è al 100% non significa che c'è solo acqua, ma che quella massa d'aria contiene la massima quantità di umidità contenibile in quelle condizioni. Quando l'umidità relativa dell'aria raggiunge il 100%, l'eccesso di vapor acqueo condensa in minuscole goccioline d'acqua e si assiste alla formazione di una nube. La quantità di vapore che può essere contenuta da una massa d'aria è strongly influenced by temperature, it decreases with decreasing temperature (think of when you "breathes" in the winter), and at ground level pressure, it becomes nothing to -40 ° C.
For more information see my post and to Hanmi .
regard to trails "chemical" the scoundrel has always affirmed that the formation of the "real" contrails it takes two conditions: 1
. when the atmosphere has a high tasso di umidità, di almeno il 70%
2. quando la temperatura si aggira intorno ai -40°.
Dove manca una di queste due condizioni non si tratta di scie di condensa.
I l vero testo in inglese, da cui hanno preso le informazioni di cui sopra, lo potete trovare qui , questa la traduzione:
regard to trails "chemical" the scoundrel has always affirmed that the formation of the "real" contrails it takes two conditions: 1
. when the atmosphere has a high tasso di umidità, di almeno il 70%
2. quando la temperatura si aggira intorno ai -40°.
Dove manca una di queste due condizioni non si tratta di scie di condensa.
I l vero testo in inglese, da cui hanno preso le informazioni di cui sopra, lo potete trovare qui , questa la traduzione:
Le scie di condensazione si formano soltanto a quote molto elevate (solitamente oltre gli 8 km), dove l'aria è estremamente fredda (sotto i -40°C)
Come si può notare, per la formazione delle scie di condensa qui not talking about relative humidity, which comes into play here and below the translation:
The red line (line with dashes and double dots) in the chart to show Appleman such as humidity contrails can persist (usually between 60% and 70% RH) ...
The second citation refers to the persistence of the contrail, not to its formation.
According to studies by Appleman, subsequently revised and extended in the 90 (Schumann, 1996) contrails of plane can then form, if the temperature is low enough:
- to any value of relative humidity, and even at relative humidity of 0%
- any allowance,
In principle therefore, if the temperature is sufficiently low and based on the values \u200b\u200bof relative humidity, moisture in the exhaust of the engine is sufficient to produce a contrail also share land , proof of this, see photo below of an Antonov An-24RV resumed Bodaybo (Russia) with a ground temperature of -43 ° contrails issuing take-off (source here).
Note: I was accused that this photo was changed, but in this post shows that it is original
Note: I was accused that this photo was changed, but in this post shows that it is original
then you understand the technique of misinformation Rosario Marciano (along with Anthony Marciano and Corrado Penna) ???.........
are made of fragments of sentences here and there and reassembled at will to achieve his goal.
If you want to know more about:
- Application of theory Appleman for the verification of the formation of condensation trails ( this Blog )
- Theory, observation and verification of the conditions for the formation of condensation trails ( Blog maximum Santacroce )
- Verification of conditions for the formation of the contrails and calculation program ( Blog Marcov )
- Development of the mathematical theory of Appleman ( Blog Cuorenero )
- real information on chemtrails ( Blog Attivissimo )
According Straker, by spraying chemtrails have the purposes described here.
Per chiarire oltre ogni dubbio, basterebbe effettuare un'analisi in quota delle scie prodotte da un'aereo, ma il Fuffaro Straker si sottrae a questa cosa...........
A differenza di quanto afferma il ciatrone i costi non sono elevati, basterebbe una colletta di 2000-3000€ (meno di quanto raccolto con il telemetro - vedi dopo) per fare prelievo ed analisi.......
N on è che ha la certezza che non troverebbe niente di eh eh
Thus, the present state of knowledge, there is no evidence of anomalies in the contrails from aircraft released!
- le analisi of trails found in the bibliography (thanks to Simone Angioni)
- the analysis to be "material spill" made by Dr. Stefano Montanari
Thus, the present state of knowledge, there is no evidence of anomalies in the contrails from aircraft released!
6) Activities: and Pseudo- Sperti doctor
Our mob, in accordance with its curriculum, often engages in the medical field (it's like saying "I have a stomach ache to get treatment and go to a mechanic .... with all due respect to the mechanics).
In particular Straker, in his paranoia, believes ($ $ $ € € € to sell some book or DVD € € € $ $ $) that:
- chemtrails are used as "vehicle" for release nanotubes and polymers, artificial material that he thought would be assimilated into the body .............
- polymers can be treated as the famous filaments of relapse (in reality are nothing but spider webs, see here and here) that would not create biocompatible being "rejected" when inhaled or ingested,
- these polymers would be used as vectors for nanomaterials based on carbon and silicon nanotubes, nanowires, and nano-nanomughi able to self-assemble, replicate, together with sensors or antennas capable of delivering DNA and RNA fragments of genetically modified organisms and would also be the cause of Morgellons (see below) and were designed to transform us into the machinery.
remind everyone that there is no single proof of the existence of such "polymers" and / or nanotubes of artificial origin (I challenge anyone to take a TEST worthy of the name).
Straker, from the top of its "Geometer", suggests that Morgellons is a disease and is a staunch supporter of the connection to chemtrails as is Dr. Hildegarde Staninger , another fool complottara (often cited by Sterker) to which the U.S. has lifted the university accreditation (if they ever had).
Clearly, here too, the scoundrel has collected several pictures of shit, all recorded by acarsterminator:
Morgellons, the current state of knowledge, rather than a "disease" seems more like a manic kind of parasites (described by about 300 years), psychiatric illness, not at all pleasant to be understood, but in this area remains. For more information on Morgellons MedBunker you can go from a real doctor, or journalist Paul antibufala Attivissimo ( here and here ).
Again there is no evidence that Morgellons exists (not what you would do for 2 euros in bad .....)
Our rogue has also distinguished himself in urging people not to donate blood and organs explaining the reasons for the most imaginative, rhyming you for this pearl in my place or specific Perle conspiracy
Lately, he has increasingly empathize with the role of Dr. Straker (in my opinion too see Dr. House). In fact he believes:
C Hiara the "tests" are an option, right Rosariuccio .......... and then:The most common symptoms reported by witnesses as a result of spraying are as follows:
persistent cough - respiratory problems - intestinal
- pneumonia - sense of exhaustion
- lethargy
- stunning
- disorientation -
headache - muscle aches
- epistaxis
- dysentery
- depression
- anxiety
- loss of bladder control
- tic
The elderly, young people and people already weakened by disease are the first to suffer from the toxic effects caused by contrails.
not content continues
Now, as reported also by Hanmi , The Clenil Compositum and Fluibron are not vitamins, supplements, BUT ARE MEDICINES. In particular, the Clenil Compositum be sold upon a prescription, the Fluibron it and 'exempt as a SOP, but in any case are DRUGS , or chemicals that, if poorly administered, can give side effects , sometimes serious.
remind everyone that Rosario Marciano is not a Doctor (at most one laura was made with photoshop), and that
- if you have respiratory problems or other, or if you see people who have called the 118 (one-one-eight), is a free country with a professional nurse who meets with a doctor available, you just have to answer questions and you get an ambulance quickly adapts to the problem
- in case of less serious health problems, consult a real doctor and not a Fuffaro TRUE!
Beware of charlatans in the network.
7) Activities: and Pseudo- Sperti geophysical
Rosario Marciano, always in accordance with its curriculum, it was also distinguished in the field of geophysical cialtronaggine, showing his ignorance on such topics
- Within volcanological split signals calibration of a seismometer signals to "abnormal" of a volcano, and was sbufalato here
- In seismic area and its unlikely theory of earthquake prediction has behaved like a jackal, using, for example, the tragedy of the earthquake Aquila and Haiti. In fact, he used these events to indicate that those earthquakes were artificially formed, often induced by electromagnetic waves (and the power really tiny), completely ignoring the basic principles of physics as the energy involved. In particular
- Alarm Giampaolo Giuliani has been deliberately ignored,
- The digital signatures have not shown the natural character of the seismic phenomenon,
- The earthquake was artificially produced by electromagnetic waves
- the purpose of the earthquake was to help Berlusconi for Reconstruction and Housing Plan,
- The rain was induced by tanker to block the relief,
- and urging not to give aid to quake victims,
- Haiti for earthquake said that the earthquake was caused by the system HAARP (located in Alaska), and proof of this has led to a spectrogram, which measures changes in Earth's magnetic field passing it off as a resonance produced by the instrument itself and therefore states that a measurement of the magnetic field of ten orders of smaller size of a magnet, amplified 40,000 times by the sensor device can generate an earthquake energy greater than 300 × 10 15 J.
8) Activities: and Pseudo- Sperti engines in
Anche in questo ambito ha provato, senza successo, a parlare di motori aereonautici, nello specifico turbofan ... e tanto per cambiare si è dimostrato un incompetente totale.
Qui la sbufalata di orsovolante (un tecnico elicotterista)
9) Attività svolte: Pseudo-e sperto in aereonautica
Anche in questo ambito il "comandante" ha cercato di dimostrarsi esperto, ma tanto per cambiare si è dimostrato un sommo ignorante, evidenziando che sa di aereonautica come io so di uncinetto:
- Qui , raccontando di un improbabile battaglia tra un F18 ed un UFO, non riconosce il modello di aereo (sbufalato da Hanmar )
- Qui ha spacciato un fuel dumping di un aereo in emergenza, per irrorazione tramite scie chimiche (sbufalato da Hanmar qui e qui )
- Qui ha affermato che nella Seconda Guerra mondiale i bombardieri B-17 non potevano superare i 7000m di quota e quindi non potevano formarsi le scie di condensa (sbufalato da Hanmar qui e qui , da Ieromod e Today, the wakes from comic )
- Here exchanged a A Antonov-124 Ruslan (civil) for a C-17 Globemaster III (NATO Military) concluded that NATO was involved in the conspiracy chemtrails ( sbufalato from Hanmi )
- It is clear from this post Orsovolante , was shown not to be able to read data dell'AirNav (magnetic heading, time zones and geography) and not being able to recognize patterns aircraft.
10) Activities: and Pseudo- Sperti in calculating distances
He tried to show the share of an aircraft with tests that would define "occhiometriche" (also widely used by his followers Matia Heibel, Pepe Ramone, Arturo, Mike etc etc), bring the films to half cameras, with no indication on focal length, zoom, etc..
such films and methods have been refuted by Marcovici, here and here.
The argument I suggest you also read the Post RB21
11) Activities: Pseudo-r esearch independent (that is deceptive and Fuffaro)
Often our bipedal pseudo sapiens sapiens is usually falsify, forge materials in support of his outlandish and improbable theories. You will say, but at least he can? The answer is NO, as is usually the 3rd sbufalato 1st half. Here are some performances of the rogue (only some):
- Here has forged a translation to associate Dr. Gatti (wife of Dr. . Stefano Montanari) to Morgellons
- Here is the summary of Rocket
- qui le smentite alla redazione di Effedieffe dopo un articolo sulle scie chimiche che citava il blog del cialtrone (grazie a Rucola)
- Qui la lettera, piena di palle, alla redazione di Effedieffe di protesta per la rimozione dell'articolo sulle scie chimiche, anche qui Rucola ha fatto un buon riassunto
- Ha falsificato una traduzione dal tedesco per far spacciare un'esercitazione con uso di "Chaff" per scie chimiche, qui il riassunto di Rucola e qui quello di Axlman
- Ha falsificato un'intervista to say to Dr. Simone Angioni the opposite of what he said (from sbufalata Attivissimo )
- Here presented the drums used to test the stability of an aircraft such as drums of toxic substances ( sbufalato by Attivissimo and Axlman )
- Here falsified a test flow rate through the use of cameras combined all'Airnav Radar Box by sbufalata Orsovolante
- Here it is surprised that after an accident at a Ryanair flight at Ciampino airport, the plane has been surrounded by soldiers, pretending to ignore that call and joint civil / military flight status and location, to boast of an involvement of the airline with chemtrails ..... (See here the story of Hanmi )
- Here published photos of helicopters overexposed, underexposed or with telephoto lenses (so they can not read the letters) stating that it had signed and were in the air for who knows unlikely as the plot ....... in fact they were in flight for a rally (by Hanmi sbufalato here and Axlman here and here )
- Here invented a battle between an M-346 and UFO (probably a seagull), to justify the military presence of the plane, when the area was an air show with the presence of the Tricolour Arrows (sbufalato from Hanmi )
- Here has done for a photo a crow for a Stealth B (while delivering a drone similar to an SR-71 Blackbird), by failing to inform that the site of origin such recognition had already been made (by me sbufalato here).
- Qu the has forged a post markogts to say that the seeding of hail clouds is (from sbufalato Hanmi )
- E 'was ridiculed by as KC-10 did not realize that chemtrails have been passed off as normal contrails. To frame his scrambling when he realized he was disgraced , so much so that Tim (the author of the video) you said:
You guys who keep saying "TOO LATE" need to think before you open your mouth ... I do not care That the videos are still out there and going? viral. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PRANK!! ... For all of you idiots chemtrail to get all excited as if These videos are the holy grail of chemtrai
Figure Barbina has been criticized even here, here, not to mention how it was ridiculed here
the videos and for me and my friends to laugh at you while you spread Them. The more passionate you guys are about this, the more entertaining it is for Those of us who live in the real world. So, keep on spreading the videos my friends. Have fun, I am! - Here amended abstract of a Nature to say that HAARP is a the causes of climate change (from sbufalato me and Essse )
- flying to San Remo at an altitude between 1000m and 5000m
- unconventional release substances through the wake and they do "on" when they pass on her neighborhood are "off" when out
- buy the lower model (which costs about half) and falsified invoices ( first version, second version , third version), then cheating supporters;
- begins to produce the video passing them off as realized with the rangefinder Newcon LRB 4000, when in fact
- seemed initially made with the lower model, the 2500,
- were a montage with an old video
- Part 1 / 3 the story on the rangefinder
- Part 2 / 3 of the story on the rangefinder
- Part 3 / 3 of the story on the rangefinder
12) Activities: threats, defamation and denigration
When Straker and the following are sbufalati Gonzi, can not argue as chief ignorant on the subject (no match ..... ), they do what they do best, insult, disparage and defame. Here are some examples of this Activity:
- here and here and here threats received by Hanmi
- here have defamed a person believes Wasp ( also report on my blog )
- here, here and here threats highlighted by Orsovolante
- here advice about illegal activities disruptive to the drivers (like pointing a laser on airplanes) ( guide by Orsovolante )
- here activity here and derogatory and offensive towards Milena Gabanelli (Report)
- here a personal account of the threats, insults and slurs received from rogue
- here's another example of threats and insults slurs .... the boy is Sbrocca!
- here an example of defamation launched at Paul Attivissimo
is to say .......... Identity Card by a good scoundrel!
And to think that Maurice Decollanz (Rebus - Odeon TV) and Robert Jacob (Voyager - RAI) presented this character as a serious and competent researcher!!
I hope this post helps to open the eyes of all those people who claim to be seriously in Rosario and Antonio Marciano, Corrado Penna and all the suckers hardcore (Mike, trots, Harlock, etc.) and finally treat them for what they are FUFFARI scoundrel!
As an additional gift for the birthday of soft cheese, I put the video of Crassus .........
I want to clarify that
- these data do not show "violation of another's privacy, or libelous statements or which may damage a third " because it was all written by Rosario Marciano in his own hand, including false DEGREE, the facts bear this out and they are all tracked through the tracks who left the network
- anyone who wants to use this post, partly (no change), may do so freely just cite the source.
thank Hanmi for review of text
Hello everyone and sorry the length of the post ...... but that individual shoots so much shit that throws a boomerang if it does not come back (it just disgusted!).
Hello everyone and sorry the length of the post ...... but that individual shoots so much shit that throws a boomerang if it does not come back (it just disgusted!).
PS This post will be updated (and family time permitting) on \u200b\u200bthe basis of reported rogue network in Rosario Marciano and any recommendations of others ....... Stay tuned!
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