Saturday, May 8, 2010

Aau Baseball How Competitive

Italian army invades San Marino .....

In this period are quite busy at work and messed up, but I can not help but raise the news of the attempted invasion of San Marino by the Italian Army ........

San Marino, 8 May 2010. A 'train' of five submissions Italian Army had mistakenly encroached on the territory of the Republic of San Marino, and I was born a kind of 'diplomatic incident'. The Gendarmerie and the Titan them taken back to the state border. But the Foreign Secretary has already announced Antonella Mularoni che invierà una nuova nota di protesta all'Ambasciata d'Italia.
Già il 25 marzo un furgone della Guardia di Finanza era entrato per errore nella Repubblica, ed era stato fermato.
Stamattina alle 11.20 , secondo quanto reso noto dalla Gendarmeria, è stato segnalato l'ingresso in territorio sanmarinese (al confine di Stato di Dogana) di alcuni veicoli dell'Esercito italiano. Il convoglio è stato intercettato sulla superstrada in via Cinque Febbraio all'altezza di Fiorina. Il gruppo di veicoli era formato da cinque mezzi marca Iveco, mod. Vm-90 su cui viaggiavano circa trenta militari in uniforme, del Reparto Lagunari 'La serenissima' di Venezia.
They explained that they had to make in the military range Carpegna and the included GPS had shown them the way he was running, without increasing the state border of San Marino. After traveling a few miles down the road, they noticed signs indicating the center of San Marino and immediately reversed its direction.
Having exhausted the procedure of the inspection, the convoy was escorted by two of the Gendarmerie patrols to the border state of Galazzo, and was left at 12.40. I acknowledge the good faith''- said the foreign secretary Antonella Mularoni - but I hope will be the last episode, since even the Italian military forces must have the appropriate measures and to know that this is the encroachment on foreign soil
Boys''(read Hanmi), how many times do I have to say not to overdo the spraying of nanoparticles ........ make intelligent GPS and confuse us to find out for Straker (which then goes to spy on Mystery by Raz Degan eh eh eh ...... and 'sti cocks would say). Greetings and see you soon


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