Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are Hifonics Titan Amps Any Good

I've always wanted ...

I've always wanted
I've always run
I've always held on a pedestal And
now I'm here

you're away and I want you to ever more
but I can not have what I had before.
I gave you my love, but what have you done?
You've thrown away as if nothing had happened.
I can not have all the love you gave
I still have much to give, but I do not want anything.

High Cholesterol And Lumps In Head

Fashion photography.

Here we are at the tenth meeting with the post of inspiration.

nice day:)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Las Vegas Sand Rail Rental

Time passes ...

Passa il tempo,non ti sento,la mente si fa i suoi viaggi
E mi fa strano non parlarti e non vederti nei paraggi
A dire il vero un pò mi manca camminare e tenerti per mano
Ma più il tempo passa e più noi due ci allontaniamo
Rimangono i ricordi, gli istanti, i secondi
E non ritorneranno, rassegnati, sono morti
Io tengo dentro tutto anche se credimi mi fa male
Ma quel che abbiamo vissuto non potrò dimenticare.

miss you ♥

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ski Doo Tundra Ii For Sale

Rosario Marciano (Straker )........ but who you really are?

Post updated on 10/09/2010

Relaunch of RB211 on a Post Strakerbuster showing all the inconsistencies of character Straker.

fact, given the timing required to produce its "processes" of articles and comments on various blogs, Youtube & Co., which would likely be paid for by Rosario Marciano some "mysterious entities" to spread false information is easily proven wrong, and delegitimize the "true independent researchers" on the trails comic

It autodenuncia disinformation hired

So let '(I refer to it, not his brother):
  1. Tanker Enemy has existed since June 3, 2006
  2. To date it has published about 1,200 articles
  3. On June 3, 2006 to date has published a article every 1.3 days
  4. In his post it posted 10,800 comments
  5. From June 3, 2006 to date it ha inserito circa 7 commenti al giorno
  6. Gli 11.000 circa commenti totali di esso sono così distribuiti:
  • 1.663 il lunedì
  • 1.607 il martedì
  • 1.614 il mercoledì
  • 1.649 il giovedì
  • 1.554 il venerdì
  • 1.281 il sabato
  • 1.447 la domenica
  1. I suoi commenti sono distribuiti nelle seguenti fasce orarie:
  • 5.425 commenti dalle 08.30 alle 18.00
  • 5.390 commenti negli altri orari

"Lavora" intensamente sul blog dal lunedì al venerdì (sabato e domenica si prende qualche ora di svago): Se lavorasse davvero dovrebbe essere il contrario

"Lavora" intensamente sul blog dalle 8.30 alle 18.00 (negli altri orari addirittura un po' di meno): Se lavorasse davvero dovrebbe essere il contrario

  Allora Mario Vega ha proprio ragione!

Ebbene, tutto questo solo per Tanker Enemy!
Poi ci sono gli altri blog, l'attività di consultazione di tutti i siti internet, i blog, i forum, facebook, youtube, fare i filmini, i montaggi video, registrazione delle telefonate senza consenso, email, censura dei commenti, eeeehhhhh....

Allora quanti soldi ti dà l'N.W.O. ogni mese per sostenere la tua intensissima attività di disinformatore di quei quattro babbeoni dei tuoi lettori?

C'e da dire che il calcolo effettuato da RB211 è chiaramente sottostimato, infatti il prode komandanten strakkinen oltre a gestire svariati blog, un canale youtube, come dimostrato da Axlman si scrive anche i commenti sul suo blog con altri account (un altro bell'esempio di onestà intellettuale). Una volta sgamato, ha rimosso la possibilità di abbonarsi ai commenti nei suoi blog......
Di seguito il video:

Our Rosarione bushy hair is also made to defend another man's shit, ignorant, and blatantly decelebrato idiot ..... Guess what .... Arturo ( what he wishes to sick children )

Rosario Marciano, please respond to this question (if you have the balls): How do you live, who pays you? The secret services, the NWO or the salary of gonzo to your brother Antonio (Zret)?


Buy Alcohol With Temporary Id

Fashion photography.

Here we are at the ninth round with the post of inspiration:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Preston Ship Painting

'm back!

And after a month and a half of absence here I am writing on my blog! I hope to have more time to go back and update more often ...
These are some photos I fire Monday afternoon in Bergamo!

How did you spend the summer guys?

Long Prom Dresses Under 150

I need you!

I need you guys!

You must enter this link


and soon they will be shown a picture of a child click to like!

Thank you!

I hope to publish a post soon!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ethanol In Diesel: Good Or Bad

Rosario Marciano (Straker ).... the slimy

Post updated on 06/09/2010

Rosario Marciano (Straker), probably the envy of not being was invited to the next meeting with the Sept. 11 conspiracy in Milan (one of the speakers Tom Woods and Paul Attivissimo) today is expressed in all its slime :

Apart from the cultural ignorance exuded by the statement I believe to be such that, moreover, has an ID card like this (updated 06/09/2010) , befitting this saying:
Legitimizing Rosario Marciano is as legitimate a WMO 'and shit

As noted by Wasp web Strakerenemy , is continuing the dangerous hate campaign against Paul Attivissimo channel here on Youtube of demented :

What a bastard! NEVER and I repeat I never expected something like this from Tom Wood and his staff. But what the devil wants to make comparison with a beggar who spends his days and the lives of defenseless individual bite to the throat surrounded by a host of nazistelli squad, and I wish to hang from the gallows as soon as possible? As compared with those worth less than zero in the matter?
The only possible comparison would be made right in front of the house of the disc-jockey in Switzerland ... so let's see if he still has the "courage" to make the bully when the world knows where he goes to sleep his family! I repeat: The Executioner Attivissimo degrees makes available its home address (as he plays with those of others) for a face to face (and a true comparison)?


Legitimizing is very active as a legitimate Goebbels.

Subscribe. Goebbels and legitimate means to be his friend. If the stencil in the mind of those who now give carte blanche to this criminally insane: ACCOMPLICES you and you will be treated as such on the day the cards will be discovered. Woe to these fools when they have more time to swallow his tongue.

I say no more, you commented.

All my sympathy to Paul Attivissimo

For completeness carry dissociation from statements by Rosario Marciano of David Icke Meetu p , the organizer of the meeting ' September 11
Hi everyone, I am assistant organizer Aphler Sasso David Icke Meetup.
Following are some comments I've read, I can tell you that those who have cameras and / or other devices to shoot may shoot only those who will hand the microphone as people including spectators available on the Library Esoteric is not possible to film in the public its entirety.
I note that the room has about 140 seats is free admission and no need to book (in this sense I agree with the comment of Mr. Attivissimo "first come first served")
Also I must point out that David Icke Meetup dissociates itself from the outside Mr. Marciano and his followers published around the net.
also informs the person identified with the nickname "VIBRAVAR" is one of our assistant organizer and that his conduct has always been based in a civil manner.
also distrust anyone who wants to participate as a spectator to use vulgar epithets, insults and / or foul language so if there happens dissociate prematurely.
Aphler Sasso

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Hair Color Predictor

In one year 396 victims of the vaccine

Post updated on 03/09/2010
To anticipate the pseudofisico cepoide ( in the sense that you probably graduated with CEPU) Corrado "Pinna squalene to "relaunch, at lunch, an article in The Press by Raphael Zanotti that is likely antiinflenzali side effects of vaccines in Italy on which the judiciary is investigating:

Damage to health instead of preventing the flu: an investigation by the Attorney

Within a year, the violent reactions to vaccines against seasonal influenza, endangering the health of patients, more than doubled. A worrying that the vicar of Turin prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello, decided to investigate the formal opening of an investigation. The worrying statistic is the AIFA, the Italian Drug Agency is obliged by law to health surveillance. Talk of 161 cases in the 2008-2009 season and well in the 396 2009-2010. A fact that, somehow, can be explained by the increased scrutiny due to the explosion, over the past year, the phobia for the H1N1 virus, but not all.

The survey draws from two lawsuits, came in recent days on the desk of the magistrate, made by two women (both of fifty years, la prima torinese, la seconda di una cittadina della cintura) che lamentano di aver subito gravi conseguenze a seguito della somministrazione del vaccino.

La prima dichiara di essere stata colpita da Polimiosite, patologia che fa parte di un gruppo di malattie muscolari e che rientra nel novero delle malattie rare. All’inizio la signora non riusciva a chiudere i pugni e pensava a un’artrite. Ottenuta la diagnosi, ha fatto ulteriori controlli: i suoi consulenti medici sono sicuri che ci sia un nesso tra la somministrazione del vaccino antinfluenzale e la malattia insorta.

La seconda, invece, dichiara di aver contratto una mielopatia che la costringe a camminare appoggiata a un girello con quattro ruote. All’inizio said to feel a sense of exhaustion and fatigue that gradually worsened until he went to give her the feeling of not being able to govern their own bodies.

If these conditions are the unintended side effect of the vaccine will judge the technical, but the investigation on these two cases revealed a general situation that deserves investigation.

According to the AIFA in the 2009-2010 season two people died as a result of vaccination (compared to three in 2008-2009), but increased cases of serious consequences (39 in 2008-2009 and 72 in 2009-2010) and of young children aged between six months and two years (4 in the 2008-2009 season, and even 12 in the 2009-2010).

The investigation by the Prosecutor of Turin is on a specific product, the Vaxigrip of Sanofi Aventis. One of the plaintiffs complained that the leaflet is not contained, including the contraindications, the chances of polymyositis.

a circumstance that would escape to the classic city that rarely pauses to read the 'leaflet', but that may be helpful to physicians and specialists when administering such drugs.

Guariniello has already given medical advice to determine whether the two diseases can be contracted by the ladies of Turin to be somehow tied in with the flu vaccine. Only once you get the results the survey will take shape in one direction rather than another.

I hope we can open a calm debate, in order to

  1. not leave the debate on a single track (that of the scoundrel pen) but allow a bit more scientific debate
  2. do some 'clarity on the issue perhaps also with an MedBunker


all comments will be censored to steer towards the sites of alternative medicines and / or lack credibility as well as advertising pseudo-sites and other amenities (So GP Vanoli and Fulvio AT Renzi warned, accordingly).
link will be admitted only to refereed scientific journals.
Forewarned is forearmed!

As one would expect you have noticed rogues also part of Tankerenemy ...

Ron said ...
OT for tuttiSulla Stampa of Turin ieriIn a year of 396 victims of vaccino02/09/2010 - HEALTH, TO MOVE THE JUDICIARY THE COMPLAINT OF TWO WOMEN AIFA According to statistics, cases are raddoppiatiDanni health instead of preventing the flu: investigation of Procurahttp: / / / weapon in the contest for the vaccinations to those who reject the vaccine for their children.
Ron, I'm sorry but you came late! Clearly
mica say 384 "victims of the vaccine" took only a local irritation or redness of the skin and is required to report all side effects of vaccines. Disinformation is very powerful in imbeciles. There
suggest you read the comment on this Post WeWee, a real doctor. Hello

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Making Of Mario Saleri

Marciano Antonio (Zret )....... If this is a professor

Marciano Antonio (Zret) is monopolizing my attention (You do not want to make shoes ....?) brother and you are expressing in all its ignorance.
The last pearl, as emphasized by Essse , Mousse , Riosaeba and Orsovolante (I had to do and places only now), the "professor" expresses in all his ignorance here , a post that strap deaths in China due to a fungus

Let's see who is the source, or Gianni Ginatta, agronomist and expert in daisies and floriculture and among his publications is one that:
F. Gimelli, G. Ginatta, A. Panizzi, R, Ventura, M. Buiatti - Genetic analysis of flower color in a variety of Mediterranean carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.). Riv. Ortoflofrutt. Lt 1982, 66: 97-1O2.
Sounds like a great source for the argument? I really do not!
In comments later, Antonio Marciano says:

Zret said ...
's so, Ginger. Among the other photos in the top of the article frames a sky Hello doc Chinese chemical
could avoid making the figure of the scoundrel. .......? Of course not!
fact that the photo "on top of the article" China is not a heaven ......... but Sassolungo, a group of mountains in the Dolomites (near Pordoi). The photo was taken from here , a site in this language, (translated in Italian and German) and clearly was not mentioned neither the author nor the site of the photo (as best in their tradition)

Small note: the Ladino (in my book was in high school) retroromanze belongs to the group of languages \u200b\u200band is spoken by about 30,000 people in the eastern part of the Alps, the so-called island-Dolomite Ladin language. Zrettino dear, you must be wrong because ......... Jo soi Cjarniel , Fri Tumiec of (actually I'm half Carnian) and see if the Carnian and Furlan, spoken by 500,000 people, are they too retroromanze languages, even if they are differentiated from the core Dolomite to the influence of neighboring languages \u200b\u200bGerman and Slovenian.

Our professoretto in less than two lines is shown:
  1. ignorant in geography
  2. ignorant in the history of the Italian language, as he exchanged a word Ladin (vejin) for a Chinese ........
I remind all those Marciano Antonio (Zret nick on the network) : degree in modern literature and teacher at the Liceo Classico "Cassini" Sanremo (IM not )....... say no more.

for the content ....... It starts from a real news and reported in Science, then modified at the will of the dynamic duo of Sanremo.
This is what is mentioned in the post rogue (can not be less than your brother in terms of cialtronaggine )
Chronicle gives an account of the death of four people because of an edible mushroom.

This is a fake, because the abstract for Science reports:
[.....] Yunnan Provincial Health Department and CDC Have embarked on a campaign to warn Against eating an innocuous-looking mushroom [.....]
That, in my house, innocuous-looking mushroom in Italian means "fungus apparently harmless" and not edible (food grade-edible)

In the post on tankereney states then

The presence of high concentrations of barium the victims, who died following a cardiac arrest, leads us to believe che, se non si è trattato di contaminazione di tipo industriale, le scie chimiche, contenenti, tra gli altri veleni , il bario, possano essere sul banco degli imputati.
Questo è un falso in quanto l'articolo della BBC (probabile fonte  giornalistica) afferma:
Robert Fontaine , ipotizza, inoltre, che le tossine potrebbero essere in correlazione con le alte concentrazioni di bario, un metallo pesante, nel rifornimento idrico locale.
Clearly, the scoundrels linking the presence of barium with contrails comic ...... when sufficient information before the situation at the boundary of the Yunnan.

Assuming that the Barium, because of its strong reactivity with water and oxygen in the air, in its pure form does not exist, occurs naturally in the form of sulphate, sulphide, carbonate, oxide and so on.
China also is the subject of a high industrial development, despite the environment. In particular, the area covered by dead fungi is
  1. surrounded by numerous oil drilling using the barium sulfate (or barite) in the bentonite is used as a drilling fluid (which function as "cumbersome" to counteract the thrust of the ground, keeping the hole open and prevent excessive pressure of water and fluids cause the eruption of the well )
  2. affected by the implementation about 2000 kilometers of pipeline to transport gas from China and Myanmar. The tubing (also laid by coring) passing through the city of Ruili, Yunnan
  3. characterized by barite mines in the neighboring province of Guizhou.
And so it is useless to seek the cause in unlikely Chemtrails all around when there is a presence of barium derived from both natural and anthropogenic industrial activities .....

As I said before, a teacher like this, for what he writes, is an embarrassment to the Italian school ...... and then there are very valid temporary teachers for the reform of the Gelmini stay at home .... what a waste! But do not leave home Zret would be better?

I recommend it to anyone, not ever bite the shit and the lies that are written to tankerenemy (remember identity card Rosario Marciano ) , always check the source or on sites you trust.
