Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Hair Color Predictor

In one year 396 victims of the vaccine

Post updated on 03/09/2010
To anticipate the pseudofisico cepoide ( in the sense that you probably graduated with CEPU) Corrado "Pinna squalene to "relaunch, at lunch, an article in The Press by Raphael Zanotti that is likely antiinflenzali side effects of vaccines in Italy on which the judiciary is investigating:

Damage to health instead of preventing the flu: an investigation by the Attorney

Within a year, the violent reactions to vaccines against seasonal influenza, endangering the health of patients, more than doubled. A worrying that the vicar of Turin prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello, decided to investigate the formal opening of an investigation. The worrying statistic is the AIFA, the Italian Drug Agency is obliged by law to health surveillance. Talk of 161 cases in the 2008-2009 season and well in the 396 2009-2010. A fact that, somehow, can be explained by the increased scrutiny due to the explosion, over the past year, the phobia for the H1N1 virus, but not all.

The survey draws from two lawsuits, came in recent days on the desk of the magistrate, made by two women (both of fifty years, la prima torinese, la seconda di una cittadina della cintura) che lamentano di aver subito gravi conseguenze a seguito della somministrazione del vaccino.

La prima dichiara di essere stata colpita da Polimiosite, patologia che fa parte di un gruppo di malattie muscolari e che rientra nel novero delle malattie rare. All’inizio la signora non riusciva a chiudere i pugni e pensava a un’artrite. Ottenuta la diagnosi, ha fatto ulteriori controlli: i suoi consulenti medici sono sicuri che ci sia un nesso tra la somministrazione del vaccino antinfluenzale e la malattia insorta.

La seconda, invece, dichiara di aver contratto una mielopatia che la costringe a camminare appoggiata a un girello con quattro ruote. All’inizio said to feel a sense of exhaustion and fatigue that gradually worsened until he went to give her the feeling of not being able to govern their own bodies.

If these conditions are the unintended side effect of the vaccine will judge the technical, but the investigation on these two cases revealed a general situation that deserves investigation.

According to the AIFA in the 2009-2010 season two people died as a result of vaccination (compared to three in 2008-2009), but increased cases of serious consequences (39 in 2008-2009 and 72 in 2009-2010) and of young children aged between six months and two years (4 in the 2008-2009 season, and even 12 in the 2009-2010).

The investigation by the Prosecutor of Turin is on a specific product, the Vaxigrip of Sanofi Aventis. One of the plaintiffs complained that the leaflet is not contained, including the contraindications, the chances of polymyositis.

a circumstance that would escape to the classic city that rarely pauses to read the 'leaflet', but that may be helpful to physicians and specialists when administering such drugs.

Guariniello has already given medical advice to determine whether the two diseases can be contracted by the ladies of Turin to be somehow tied in with the flu vaccine. Only once you get the results the survey will take shape in one direction rather than another.

I hope we can open a calm debate, in order to

  1. not leave the debate on a single track (that of the scoundrel pen) but allow a bit more scientific debate
  2. do some 'clarity on the issue perhaps also with an MedBunker


all comments will be censored to steer towards the sites of alternative medicines and / or lack credibility as well as advertising pseudo-sites and other amenities (So GP Vanoli and Fulvio AT Renzi warned, accordingly).
link will be admitted only to refereed scientific journals.
Forewarned is forearmed!

As one would expect you have noticed rogues also part of Tankerenemy ...

Ron said ...
OT for tuttiSulla Stampa of Turin ieriIn a year of 396 victims of vaccino02/09/2010 - HEALTH, TO MOVE THE JUDICIARY THE COMPLAINT OF TWO WOMEN AIFA According to statistics, cases are raddoppiatiDanni health instead of preventing the flu: investigation of Procurahttp: / / / weapon in the contest for the vaccinations to those who reject the vaccine for their children.
Ron, I'm sorry but you came late! Clearly
mica say 384 "victims of the vaccine" took only a local irritation or redness of the skin and is required to report all side effects of vaccines. Disinformation is very powerful in imbeciles. There
suggest you read the comment on this Post WeWee, a real doctor. Hello


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