Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Financial Report Template

the Nero d'Avola

Today I present the dish prepared for Christmas Eve. It 'a long time I wanted to try it, because all these spices in the marinade in red wine and I really liked. The secret of a good pot roast is choosing the right touch of flesh, I have tried to explain to my butcher, but now I know what I should ask him. I must admit that the meat was very tender and the only flaw was the lack of a vein of fat inside that is essential not to make too dry the pot. Why you do this to the butcher, please!

I swear I tried to make the original recipe that includes the use Barolo, I did buy a bottle to my husband: Wow how much was it! We watched for 10 minutes before deciding that at this time of economic hardship for all of us is really in bad taste to spend those figures a touch of meat to marinate. We opted for a very good Nero d'Avola, who has done his duty without having the smell under the nose of a wine from € 15. What we drank at the table.
's your recipe.

Ingredients 2 kg of fish or beef walnut
100 g carrot 200 g onion 100 g
stalks of celery 5 bay leaves
5 foglie di salvia
1 rametto grande di rosmarino
5 grani di pepe nero
mezza stecca di cannella
5 chiodi di garofano
2 spicchi di aglio
50 g di burro
1 filo d’olio e.v.o.
1 litro circa di Nero d’Avola
1 manciata di farina senza glutine

Legate la carne con spago; lavare, mondare e tagliare grossolanamente le verdure.
In una ciotola capiente mettere sia la carne che il misto di verdure con tutte le spezie e l’aglio pelato e intero. La quantità di vino da usare varia perché se ne deve aggiungere fin tanto che il tutto non è coperto. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and let marinate for 15 hours.

Past the best time to drain and dry the meat and brown it with butter and oil in a casserole after it has been salted out. This is an essential step because the crust that forms the seal that will make it softer fat in the meat. Brown all the contents of the bowl with the meat and cover everything with ¾ for the wine used for the maceration. Lower the heat and cook on low heat for just over 2 hours, turning meat occasionally. A brazing completed soon after she cut the meat rest for 15-20 minutes. Salting the cooking liquid nels and go to the wine and everything that's cooked in, creating a delicious creamy sauce. Thicken with a handful of flour. Serve hot.
Bon appetit!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Using Zip Lock Bag To Decorate Cake

Happy holidays to all


  Vediamo di dare una risposta scientifica

1) Nessuna specie conosciuta di renne può volare. Ma ci sono 300.000 specie di organismi viventi ancora da classificare. Benchè la maggior parte di questi siano insetti o germi, ciò non esclude completamente la possibilità che esistano renne volanti, che peraltro solo Babbo Natale stesso sembra aver visto.

2) Ci sono due miliardi di ragazzi, ossia persone al di sotto dei 18 anni, nel mondo. Tuttavia, dato che sembra che Babbo Natale non visiti ragazzi Musulmani, Indù, Ebrei, Buddisti ecc., questo reduces the workload to about 15% of the total (378 million, according to the Office for Population). At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that makes a total of 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good child in each home.

3) Due to time zones and the rotation of the Earth, Santa has 31 hours to his work, assuming, as seems logical, which travels east to west. This works out to 822.6 visits per second. This means that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has 1 / 1000 of a second to park, hop out of the sled, down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat and drink whatever has been left (assuming in this regard that Santa Claus is equipped with an appetite comparable to that of a black hole and is teetotal, or at least capable of supporting an infinite amount of alcohol, because otherwise he would have died of indigestion after only a few stops, or at least would be drunk ...), back up the chimney, jump on the sled and head to the next house. Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which we know to be true, but for purposes of our calculations we will accept), we are talking about a middle path between two metro area of \u200b\u200babout 1,154 km, and a total trip of 112 million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us do at least once every 31 hours, plus food, etc.. This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 962 km / sec, that is 3000 times the speed of sound. By way of illustration, the fastest man-made vehicle, the Ulysses space probe , traveling at the speed of miserable 40.5 km / sec. A conventional reindeer can run up to 22 mph.

4) The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than an average Lego (900 grams), the sleigh must carry 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight. On land, a reindeer conventional can pull 136 kg. Even granting that flying reindeer (see point 1) could pull ten times higher than that of a conventional reindeer, we can not do eight reindeer, or even nine. We will need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the gross weight of 353,400 tons, not counting the sleigh! Again, for comparison, this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth .

5) The more than 353,000 tons traveling at 962 miles per second creates enormous air resistance, and this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spacecraft re-entering the atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 quintillion joules of energy. Per second. For each reindeer. In short, the flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them and creating deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces of 17500.06 times to that of gravity. A Santa Claus of 113 kg, which seems ludicrously slim, it would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 1,957,420 kg of force.

It is concluded that: If Santa has never tried to deliver gifts on Christmas Eve, is now dead.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all

Monday, December 20, 2010

Can You Wax Yourself?

Captain Splendid

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Make Your Own Metal Core

Timberland and Ugg?

Timberland and Ugg?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Aarón Díaz Desnudo


dim : 40 x 30 cm - 2006
technique: mixed
drawing / painting by Mirko Briguglio

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Title For Electromagnet Science Fair Project

was dear to me

Everything was dear to me I wanted to look with affection those men angry,
because their eyes were forced to reciprocate;
and I wanted to make gifts to
envious and tell them that I value.
Egon Schiele

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mini Cooper Wedding Invitations


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Austin December 2009 Pollen Counts

Black and white.

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Senior Week Houses In Ocean City Nj

And all fly away. Missing

I the dark, friends who do everything to make you feel good.
smile, joke, you say stupid things to make sure that you smile.
And then you smile, maybe just to please them.
You do it because you love him because you know that the person in front of you is golden.
Perhaps you smile just now, because he is not there.
For love is gone like the wind, fast.
And you're sad, cry night and you feel stupid, you feel childish.
You should not think so,
you should not love him, you should not look

is what you all say.
convince you of this car,
even if he comes back, always.
When you least expect it,
you look, you vuole e tu come sempre,
credi in lui. Credi ancora nel vostro amore.
E sei felice, sorridi.
Corri dai tuoi veri amici, e gli dici tutto.
Loro sono pronti a darti consigli e brutti o belli che siano
tu li ascolti, perché sai che solo di loro ti puoi fidare.
Ascolti i consigli, ma tu sai che lo ami e lo rivuoi.
Tieni in mente quello che ti hanno detto
e con i piedi per terra vai da lui.
Ma lui è così, strano, lunatico per te stupendo.
L’unica persona che ti ha mai fatto felice veramente,
l’unica che hai amato veramente con tutto il cuore.
Ma lui è sempre pronto ad illuderti, il giorno prima ti ama
quello dopo non sa neanche lui come si calls.
And then you say you were not supposed to trust
and this is the last time, really.
Then you cry and think "if he returned as it was,
if I say I love you, really."
you'll come back together as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had happened.
You feel alone, but then really you're not alone.
You feel so because you have broken your heart within you
because you have nothing.
The person you love, disappears again. Think of another
not think so,
not to remember the moments spent with him.
Think about the friends their.
The only real ones.
Those in need are there to help you.
And you just want to hug them, to say the hell you were right.
spend whole days to talk to or hang out with them.
Believe those who are close to you day after day and you do everything to see them. The
want an immense good, I hope you understand that are important to you.
Hope you do not leave it alone, without them you feel abandoned.
In his mind, that smile lasted a moment.
Only a few moments, the fleeting moment.
has had time to get the storm,
when you started to cry, the sky darkens.
thunder in the distance, the sky became increasingly black.
you afraid, afraid to return no more that smile.
Eri abituata tempo fa a vederlo sul tuo viso, una cosa abituale.
Diventi paranoica, scrivi cose a caso qualsiasi cosa ti passi per la testa.
Pensi che ti possa aiutare scrivere, ma poi non serve a nulla, si forse a sfogarti.
Hai voglia di scappare, di rapire lei/lui la/il tua/o migliore amica/o e andartene VIA.
Forse per sempre, forse per poco, forse appena sei sul treno o aereo che sia vuoi tornare a casa.
Perché senza la tua casa non puoi vivere, però vuoi cambiare aria.
Non vuoi respirare sempre la stessa aria.
Sai soltanto che non ne puoi più di niente, sai con certezza che ami lui.
E ti senti soffocare, ti manca l’aria.
Ti senti così quando manca, quando lo ami, when I think, when you look for and he does not respond when you see him around with friends, when you see him at school you pass by and not even a greeting, hugs you and tells you when I need you but I can not love Now, when you cry on his shoulder and you feel dead.
love him anyway.
Go ahead with your friends and you love him.

Sunbeam Electric Blanket Diagrams

THE CURE - Lovesong