Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Senior Week Houses In Ocean City Nj

And all fly away. Missing

I the dark, friends who do everything to make you feel good.
smile, joke, you say stupid things to make sure that you smile.
And then you smile, maybe just to please them.
You do it because you love him because you know that the person in front of you is golden.
Perhaps you smile just now, because he is not there.
For love is gone like the wind, fast.
And you're sad, cry night and you feel stupid, you feel childish.
You should not think so,
you should not love him, you should not look

is what you all say.
convince you of this car,
even if he comes back, always.
When you least expect it,
you look, you vuole e tu come sempre,
credi in lui. Credi ancora nel vostro amore.
E sei felice, sorridi.
Corri dai tuoi veri amici, e gli dici tutto.
Loro sono pronti a darti consigli e brutti o belli che siano
tu li ascolti, perché sai che solo di loro ti puoi fidare.
Ascolti i consigli, ma tu sai che lo ami e lo rivuoi.
Tieni in mente quello che ti hanno detto
e con i piedi per terra vai da lui.
Ma lui è così, strano, lunatico per te stupendo.
L’unica persona che ti ha mai fatto felice veramente,
l’unica che hai amato veramente con tutto il cuore.
Ma lui è sempre pronto ad illuderti, il giorno prima ti ama
quello dopo non sa neanche lui come si calls.
And then you say you were not supposed to trust
and this is the last time, really.
Then you cry and think "if he returned as it was,
if I say I love you, really."
you'll come back together as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had happened.
You feel alone, but then really you're not alone.
You feel so because you have broken your heart within you
because you have nothing.
The person you love, disappears again. Think of another
not think so,
not to remember the moments spent with him.
Think about the friends their.
The only real ones.
Those in need are there to help you.
And you just want to hug them, to say the hell you were right.
spend whole days to talk to or hang out with them.
Believe those who are close to you day after day and you do everything to see them. The
want an immense good, I hope you understand that are important to you.
Hope you do not leave it alone, without them you feel abandoned.
In his mind, that smile lasted a moment.
Only a few moments, the fleeting moment.
has had time to get the storm,
when you started to cry, the sky darkens.
thunder in the distance, the sky became increasingly black.
you afraid, afraid to return no more that smile.
Eri abituata tempo fa a vederlo sul tuo viso, una cosa abituale.
Diventi paranoica, scrivi cose a caso qualsiasi cosa ti passi per la testa.
Pensi che ti possa aiutare scrivere, ma poi non serve a nulla, si forse a sfogarti.
Hai voglia di scappare, di rapire lei/lui la/il tua/o migliore amica/o e andartene VIA.
Forse per sempre, forse per poco, forse appena sei sul treno o aereo che sia vuoi tornare a casa.
Perché senza la tua casa non puoi vivere, però vuoi cambiare aria.
Non vuoi respirare sempre la stessa aria.
Sai soltanto che non ne puoi più di niente, sai con certezza che ami lui.
E ti senti soffocare, ti manca l’aria.
Ti senti così quando manca, quando lo ami, when I think, when you look for and he does not respond when you see him around with friends, when you see him at school you pass by and not even a greeting, hugs you and tells you when I need you but I can not love Now, when you cry on his shoulder and you feel dead.
love him anyway.
Go ahead with your friends and you love him.


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