Friday, March 11, 2011

Leather How To Make A Leather Couch Shinny


do not know what I took, but this time I fixed the starters. Will that appeal to me because it takes much imagination in them and I, having very little, I have the desire to try and improve the preparation of this magnitude. When you flip through any magazine or cookbook in the end my curiosity is always kidnapped by various kinds of dog food, from sandwiches of many colors and tastes, not to know what other devilry that combines ingredients so different but in the end manage to come together to reveal new tastes and new delights for the palate. With this being said who knows what you expect to have cooked, but in fact are made with a recipe for crostini classical, but I enjoyed imagining the possible and prepare them in the presentation. It finally came out this result for which they are still satisfied.

Ingredients for 16 crostini:
a pack of 80 g of Philadelphia
1 tablespoon capers
5 tablespoons olive green
100 g of canned tuna
salad dried tomato paste
poppy seeds

Blend olives and capers and add the tuna and continue blending. Put the mixture in a bowl with the Philadelphia and mescolare per bene. Passare la crema nei crostini; ricoprire con l’insalata mista tagliata finemente; al centro del crostino aggiungere un cucchiaino di crema al tonno e sopra disporre una punta di un cucchiaino di paté di pomodori secchi. Spolverare con una manciata di semi di papavero.

Voglio tanto ringraziare Giulia che mi ha passato questo premio molto gradito. E' bello sapere che c'è qualcuno che ti segue e apprezza le tue sperimentazioni e i tuoi pasticci in cucina. Grazie Giulia, non è stato proprio giovedì, ma ci ho messo un giorno in più.


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