Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Clipart Golf Teeing Off Swing

Straker and "false"

Post updated on 28/04/2010
Post completely rewritten
Lately Straker is having diversi travasi di bile...... Infatti è stato abbondantemente sputtanato in diretta nazionale con Report.....eh eh eh. 
Il 18 aprile, Milena Gabanelli ha letto in trasmissione una delle deliranti e paranoiche lettere arrivate in redazione, dopo le GoodNews di qualche settimana fa sull'attività del CICAP, a seguito di una campagna denigratoria dei "soliti noti".

 Durante i suoi travasi di bile,  scrive :

Ora, a prescindere dal fatto che Airlines.net è un sito acquisito da tempo (il suo creatore è morto in circostanze poco chiare circa un anno fa) e che quindi può pubblicare qualsiasi foto a favore della bislacca tesi delle contrails , è palese che quanto ritratto in questa foto è il fumo prodotto dalla combustione, tanto è vero che è visibilmente azzurro! O vorrebbero che noi credessimo che la condensa assume tale colorazione? Inoltre i dati exif della foto pubblicata sul sito sopra citato, evidenziano che il file immagine è stato modificato e da esso sono stati rimossi tutti i riferimenti alla macchina fotografica con la quale è the snapshot was taken. The suspects are therefore lawful.

careless readers (clearly not a frequenter of this blog) may also be considered a "conspiracy" plausible, but knowing who wrote a famous "pundits computer, you should always stay on ' careful ...
In fact, for a change is sbufala alone eh eh eh.
So the offending picture is as follows:

Apart from the obvious that is not original to the one taken, have included the writing and the writing under Airliners.net overlay. But look carefully at the data " exif indicted "

As you can see the image has been processed by the program prepared NeatImage (a software for removing noise, is used in the pictures with fast moving subjects).
for most of this does not say anything, but it's good to know that this program, the freely downloadable demo version and does not allow the full exif data retention ....... and here is revealed the mystery (as stated Tech or OneGeek ):

To support this also shows the comment of a photo technician :
[snip] I can confirm that the 'image has been processed with NeatImage (Note: process, not "doctored"). The program uses a series of algorithms to balance the photo neii contrasts, and make it look like "more defined" in the same contrast, the "shortened" the color space between two adjacent tones (the border area between two or more colors, in plain English) to give l 'impression that the picture is more defined and contrasted. Besides this, the photo was processed tones and rebalanced on highlights of them to prevent "shoot" on the white (effect Madonna on the phone, for instance). We certify that the clone tool was not used to the exclusion of part of the picture occupied by the sky (probably to optimize the background and make it more balanced picture as a whole). [Snip]
Not content with producing a video paranoid (as usual) on the subject, he states:
  1. again what is written above
  2. that contrails can not form a ground share
also states that the photo of airliners has been falsified as
  1. colors and shadows are not consistent
  2. there are structures that in his view are "cut".
Let's look at the paranoid
statement reported by Straker

Contrails can not be formed at a height of land
The topic was discussed , but probably there are those who prefer to stay in their blissful ignorance (repetita iuvant ).
As a flagship publication of the NASA reads:
"Contrails only form at very high altitudes (usually above 8 km) Where the air is Extremely cold (less than -40 degrees C).
Translation: "Contrails only form at very high altitudes (usually more than 8 km), where the air is extremely cold (below -40 ° C)."
according to him, it is possible that the contrails are formed at a height of land, and then accuses us dirty debunkers to change the laws of physics as we like ......
But let's see what he says really PHYSICS ..........
The relative humidity (measured in percentage) is the ratio between the amount of water vapor contained in an air mass and the maximum amount of water vapor that the same air mass can contain the same conditions temperature and pressure (saturation).
where e = air vapor pressure (hPa) T = air temperature (°C) e "UR" = umidità relativa dell'aria

Se l'umidità relativa è al 100% non significa che c'è solo acqua, ma che quella massa d'aria contiene la massima quantità di umidità contenibile in quelle condizioni. Quando l'umidità relativa dell'aria raggiunge il 100%, l'eccesso di vapor acqueo condensa in minuscole goccioline d'acqua e si assiste alla formazione di una nube. La quantità di vapore che può essere contenuta da una massa d'aria è fortemente influenzato dalla temperatura, infatti diminuisce al diminuire della temperatura (pensate quando si "alita" in inverno), and pressure level ground, it becomes nothing to -40 ° C.

So if the temperature is low enough moisture in the exhaust of the engine (combustion of hydrocarbons) is sufficient to produce a contrail also share the ground (as can be see in the picture above airliner and a video filmed by students in Fairbanks Alaska at -45 ° C and present in Blog Ann @ ).


The colors and shadows of the picture would not be consistent
For this statement in the opinion of a true photographic technique, Skura :

[snip] .. Blue Shadows mystery, eh? The shades of blue photos are only a factor of 'exposure' s effect is easily duplicated during shooting any photographing a mountain village in the same light conditions (winter afternoon, on the edge of the night, allegedly by the average angle of the shadows thrown on the roof, about 16-17 hours, so many accidents).
's more d' "inconsistencies" on the shadows, there is no trace, some houses are already in the twilight some will not, and have slightly different angles of each other, it is normal to have shadows of different houses in different form each other, as might be out of the shadows of different colors of homes illuminated with different incidence [snip]
And even in this case the problem does not arise

Some of the houses in the photo are "cut".
The pundits in his statement refers to this:

Straker In this case demonstrates its ignorance of what is called "architecture Rural ", which among other features the cover (roof) pitched asymmetrical. Here are some Italian examples:

Rural Architecture in "asymmetric slopes is characteristic of areas Climb and cold climates, but often finds himself in plain specialmodo in barns, as it allows:
  1. more radiation and ventilation of animal feed (which is dry and does not become waterlogged
  2. a faster melting of snow on the ground short of the roof, which allows more radiation combined with a faster heating of the outer wall where it was located typically in the kitchen (once the hottest part of the house, place where he met the whole family).

But then ......
........................ what can we expect from someone who has forged a degree in Architecture .

And then, finally, the enemy tank has made another small figure ....... (I'll leave you to imagine what).
This person should have the decency to learn a little bit better, and more than anything to prevent him to speak in unknown fields such as physics of water vapor and the photograph instead of the false claim and get caught by paranoid delusions.

I leave with my first video on Straker ...... If you know it you avoid


not bite the buffaloes and the rogue network, inquire before you believe.

Following the allegations made in the video of Straker, I want to clarify that I do not know neither Miles nor Gabanelli Attivissimo Paul (although I would be honored to know them, these links are only in the mind of Straker buggy).

Then even a child would understand this:

is not a fake ID in the sense ....... not really an identity card, is a composite image material taken from the network, as signature here.
Not to doubt the frequenters of this blog, but remember this for a who regularly makes fun of its readers .


In his paranoid boring S traker pulls even in the midst of the Head of State trumpeting:

Quirinale admits the existence of the "chemtrails"

A representative of the Quirinale responded to our friend and colleague who had asked, in a documented and incisive instance, the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano. The answer, though laconic, Pilate and specious, è de facto un'ammissione che è in atto una gigantesca operazione di natura strategico-militare . L'assistente militare per l'Aeronautica, infatti, non nega che il problema sussiste, bensì cita non meglio precisate "disposizioni di legge" (veniamo avvelenati in ottemperanza alla normativa vigente), demandando (non a caso) al Ministero della Difesa (!) una replica più esauriente. Nella risposta quindi non si tenta neppure di confutare o ridimensionare la circostanziata denuncia della scrivente sulle scie chimiche: siamo al cospetto di un riconoscimento ufficiale , né più né meno.

Ma quale sarà la "clamorosa" ammissione del quirinale..... Let's see:

But carefully analyze them (my comments in bold)
Dear Ms. ***, I mean
to your letter of March 31, 2010, subject arrive at the head of state. On the merits of the proposed action, while understanding the motivations and the moral and emotional involvement which resulted in its application,
What I play: Nooooo ..... with another is' hoax trails comic (but I can tell you ......)
I inform you that despite my can not intervene in matters governed by specific laws , the implementation of which falls to the competent ministries and the Presidency of the Republic may not intervene in any way.
Which means: Whatever you ask, the Presidency of the Republic may not intervene as it is not competent. In particular matter, covering the aviation industry, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence as per provisions of law (as indeed is the Minister of Defence responded to parliamentary questions). Luckily, you have a brother who teaches Italian.

As introduced above, we inform you that your application was again brought to the attention of the competent Ministry of Defence , comprehensive direct response to a solicitation.
regret not being provided the best answer, I send you my best regards.
military assistance for the Air Force
Signature illegible

Firma illeggibile....... miiiii quanto sei polemico. Se vai sul sito del Quirinale trovi tutti i nomi, solo che non hai le palle per pubblicarli.

Insomma a me questa me pare na' strunzata!!! Un'altra classica bufala paranoica di Straker.
Rosariuccio, ti do un consiglio spassionato (era un detto del mio vecchio prof. di matematica e fisica al liceo ma che ti si adatta perfettamente), seguilo:  

"Prima penza poi sccrivi. La sccrittura è la notazione di un penziero. Se uno prima 'un penza, che cacchio sccrive?"  
(G. Pisani)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Party Cove Boobs 2009

Emergency, free three Italian operators

Emergency, members of the three Italian operators
"I am the Italian embassy in Kabul"

The announcement of the release given by the Italian Foreign Ministry. Minister Frattini: "A result of Italian diplomacy." Read: "The government has won his derby." Cecilia Road: "No doubt about their innocence." Dall'Aira: "I'm fine and I greet all"

 Emergency, liberi i tre operatori italiani "Sono all'ambasciata italiana a Kabul"

were released Mark Garay, Dall'Aira Matteo and Matteo Pagani, the three operators of Emergency arrested last April 11 in Lashkar Gah, southern Afghanistan, the Afghan security forces, with accused of having participated in a conspiracy to commit an attack against the governor of Helmand province. This was announced by a statement from the Foreign Ministry. The three operators are the Italian embassy in Kabul.

Una bella notizia, finalmente.
Ora qualcuno dovrebbe chiedere scusa a tutta Emergency........


Friday, April 16, 2010

Ge Universal Remote Sv2000

Antonio and Rosario Marciano, a post and I'm one of many hoaxes

Post aggiornato 17/4/2010 h. 14.45

Sono in fase di ristrutturazione, ma non resisto quando il "dinamico duo" si esprime in tutto il loro splendore.
Su Tankerenemy è uscito un post a firma del professore Antonio Marcianò nel quale, tra le tante minchiate present, it is stated that
[ omitted] Another compound is' sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a powerful greenhouse gas, as it has a global warming potential equal to 23,900, ie a tonne of SF6 atmosphere causes an increase in effect equal to that caused by 23,900 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2)! Sulphur hexafluoride is a gas that has remarkable dielectric properties, so it widely used in military radar systems (eg, AWACS ) as a medium for the propagation of waves. Currently, the standard military use pure sulfur hexafluoride and no alternative is proposed. Sulphur hexafluoride effectively captures the infrared radiation and, because of its relative chemical inertness, is not removed quickly by the atmosphere. Sulphur hexafluoride is also used as a tracer gas to study the chemical and physical characteristics of clouds. [snip]
As has already happened, Antonio Marciano like buffaloes. In fact, as in its best tradition, family reassembles fragments of phrases distorting the original meaning. Watch what you say Wiki :
Sulphur hexafluoride is an inorganic compound with the formula SF 6 . Gas is a transparent, odorless, non-toxic and non- flammable (under standard conditions) at 1 bar has a density 6,164 g / L (it is about 5.1 times denser than air).
ipervalente is a molecule. It is slightly soluble in water but soluble in nonpolar organic solvents. It is usually transported in liquefied form. Clear, odorless, non-
SF 6 is an inert gas and has hardly used in synthesis reactions of other products.
  • as a tracer gas in experiments to control ventilazione, perdite o infiltrazioni in edifici; è usato anche in idrogeologia → vedi Tracciante (idrogeologia)
  • nella metallurgia per la produzione di alluminio e magnesio;
  • nella fabbricazione di semiconduttori grazie al suo carattere inerte ed all'elevata densità (l'aria e gli inquinanti, più leggeri, vengono così allontanati);
  • è un mezzo dielettrico ideale e può essere usato in alcuni apparecchi elettrici ad alta tensione e negli acceleratori di particelle (bassa tendenza ad ionizzarsi);
  • in ambito medico per la disinfezione di presidi respiratori contro i microbi aerobi ;
  • in the manufacture of innovative solar cells called black silicon,
  • in military applications since at high concentrations is a suffocating gas;
Because of its high density of sulfur hexafluoride is used as a magic trick to simulate the presence of 'invisible water "on which to float light objects (such as an aluminum boat). Another effect is the ability of SF 6 to alter his voice by inhaling a small amount of gas (due to toxicity at high doses) you get a deeper voice, and this behavior is the opposite of what you get inhaling helium, essendo meno denso dell'aria, provoca aumento nell'altezza della voce.

Quindi per quel che riguarda gli impatti ambientali, essendo inerte il gas SF 6 :
  • non partecipa alla catena di reazioni che è alla base della distruzione dell'ozono atmosferico
  • non contribuisce all'acidificazione delle piogge 
  • non comporta problemi di tossicità, in particolare non è né cancerogeno né biocumulabile.
Di conseguenza l'unica specificità da sorvegliare è the potential greenhouse effect. The gas SF 6 , as we saw above, is a very stable gas and its potential for global warming is really equal to 23,900 times that of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). However, considering that the concentrations of the two gases in the atmosphere measured in 1992 are:
  • CO 2 = 355,000 ppbv (parts per billion by volume)
  • SF 6 = 0.0032 ppbv (parts per billion by volume)
The result is a contribution of SF6 gas for heating, compared with that of CO 2 , equal to 0.022% and a contribution from the CO 2 man-made 0.1%.
addition to exploit the "dielectric" gas SF 6 is always used in sealed systems ....... I see it hard to use into the atmosphere through the AWACS.

As you can see, is not exactly what he writes or 'Professor Anthony Marciano .......... But he was not content to do figures from perecottaio (after all DNA does not lie ...... between siblings) insists

[ omitted] The spreading of SO2 generates artificial fog yellowish, since this compound, in contact with air, reacts to form sulfuric acid ( H2SO4). [ omitted]

In fact, according to the typical high school chemistry, sulfur dioxide (or sulfur dioxide):
  1. rather than sprayed, occurs naturally as a product of ' Oxidation of Sulphur. Is also formed in the combustion process, also by oxidation, the presence of sulfur in solid and liquid fuel (Coal, fuel oil, diesel). The main emission sources are connected to the power generation, heating plants, industrial processes (metallurgical) and traffic. To confirm this, we find that the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere has a very clear seasonal variation, with maximum values \u200b\u200bin winter, when plants are in operation for domestic heating. It is also not indifferent to the amount produced by natural sources (volcanoes).
  2. not form sulfuric acid (the numbers do not match, but then ..... a professor of literature we can not expect you to understand chemistry, and lucky his brother taught it .....). In fact, in the atmosphere dioxide (SO2), thanks to the presence of water vapor and solar radiation-induced processes, can be transformed into sulfur trioxide, SO3 (sulfur trioxide). At this point, and sulfur dioxide, which reacts in combination with water vapor (H2O), easily producing sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
Finally the icing on the cake .........
At the opening of post, publish a photo of passing it off today when sanremo exif data suggest that was made in January ....... but figures perecottai.
Below I post the WASP (for the record that is not Exxxxx Nxxxxxxx ):

04/16/2010 - THE USUAL leaflet ... ZRETINO!

SANREMO, Friday, April 16, 2010

Today, contrary to my habits, we need to publish this post now afternoon just to give a pat on the teeth to that liar, forger, shabby character who calls himself zret and do not miss this opportunity to tarnish the city that hosts TOLERATED (hopefully not for long).

Here's what has to be published without shame and without honor

Quite false!
As you can see, in support of his sick and morbid and nihilistic fantasies, publishes a photo with overprint " 10:30 - Fog of relapse in Sanremo .
Well, today in San Remo at 10:30 it was sunny! even if the whole sky was quite cloudy. E 'come a time later, around noon, began to drip with the sun, then the sky is completely covered, came thunder and lightning and rain. A classic, very normal time which was dissolved in an hour and a half.
The photo should try zretino of hallucinations, for a small consideration, appears to be stata scattata il 31 gennaio del 2009 !!! però alle ore 10:22:22!!! ecco, l'ora è quasi esatta!!!

Antò, ma se non ti piace Sanremo e ti piacciono tanto le bufale, potresti tornartene nel paese natio, a Piedimonte Matese, non credi? Basta chiedere il trasferimento al Liceo Classico -Scientifico “Galilei”......... pensaci

Un saluto a tutti

Antonio Marcianò, in risposta ad un commento di Frankbat che gli chiedeva "spiegazioni" risponde:
Zret ha detto...
Frankrat, i tuoi sono i borborigmi di un ignorantone saccente che crede di vedere la pagliuzza negli occhi altrui e non la trave nel suo unico occhio da Ciclope troglodita.
Di seguito lo screenshot

A me sembra, da quello che ha scritto nel post, come ho evidenziato sopra, che "l'ignorantone saccente" sia proprio Antonio Marcianò:
  1. scrive in materie nelle quali non è minimamente competente facendo, come il fratello Rosario, delle figure che definire da "perecottaio" è un eufemismo 
  2. l' onestà intellettuale , che da sempre  contraddistingue lui ed il fratello, lo porta a rimuovere le frasi che non si "raccordano" con la sua tragicomica maniacale fissazione sulle "Chemtrails", and adding others to invent to turn the meaning of the original writing.
I hope my child has never been such a teacher, a teacher who, for what he writes is an embarrassment to the Italian school.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ipod Touch, Touch Screen Fail


More than ever, now I stay with Emergency