Sunday, January 30, 2011

Best Waterproof Foundation


Yes, this weekend I did not make pizza. For this I have a good excuse. Due to a malfunction of the refrigerator I almost lost the lievito madre; non so perché ma la parete verticale si è ricoperta di ghiaccio congelando tutti i cibi. Il lievito era duro come il legno. L’ho tenuto tutto il giorno a temperatura ambiente, sperando di non dover buttare tutto (lo curavo da mesi!); fortunatamente i lieviti sono bestiacce che resistono al freddo riducendo al minimo le loro funzioni vitali. E’ bastato solo un rinfresco per riprenderlo. Alla fine ne avevo così tanto che ho dovuto fare la pizza. Questa è una ricetta tradizionale della mia città. Il quantitativo riportato nella ricetta è per due teglie grandi di pizza. Diciamo che ne ho approfittato per invitare un po’ di gente a casa! Il risultato è stato uno sfincione morbidissimo, soffice e senza retrogusto. I received compliments from the guests. I must say that the results are excellent for baking recipes to use when Felix and capers. Never wrong, guaranteed result. Clearly, then, for the dough I used their recipe.

Ingredients for the dough:
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
500 ml lukewarm water 1 teaspoon sugar
500 g yeast 428 g flour Mix B Shar
Farmo 143 g low protein flour (blue pack)
Pandea 143 g of flour for bread mix 3 teaspoons of salt

Ingredients for sauce: 3 white onions
300 g of fresh cheese
100 g anchovy fillets
1.2 kg tomatoes oregano
gluten free bread crumbs (I used to Agluten)
salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil to taste

I helped to mix with the bread machine, I started putting tablespoons of olive oil and warm water after that I loose half of the yeast and sugar . I let it sit while I proceeded to weigh the various flours. I loved them, the rest of the yeast and I started the program and kneads yeast ". As the machine works by adding flour by the spoonful. Finally I added the salt. From time to time helped the mixing with a silicone spatula. After the end of the program I transferred the mixture into two bowls, I just heated the oven (about 30 degrees), I left off and I turned on the light bulb. I rested for 5 hours. Remember that the natural rising needs more time but the rewards are many. In the meantime I prepared the sauce. I cleaned and finely chopped onions which I browned in a pan with a little olive oil. The onion must not burn, the fire must keep the flame lively but not loud. Every now and then I added water (in all is a small glass) and I covered the pan. With the tines of a fork I crushed the tomatoes and I added them to the onion and finally I added the sauce from the bottom of the pot and cook for half an hour. Expired 5 hours, I flattened the dough, dividing it into two greased baking sheets with oil and did rise again for an hour. I seasoned the bases with two pieces of anchovy, sliced \u200b\u200bcheese (I've covered all the mixture of the two trays), the sauce, plenty of oregano, pepper and bread crumbs. I let it rest for half an hour. I proceeded with the cooking in the baking stone, (HERE), 250 ° for the first ten minutes and 200 degrees for half an hour. When you come sfincione, wait for it to cool a bit 'before eating.
Bon appetit!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sasusaku Lemon Fanfiction


pizza again? "I know, you're right, I apologize, but this week it went.
I promise you that I am referring, so be prepared.

Ingredients for the dough:
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
350 ml water 1 tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons salt
280 g 140 g Mix B
Glutafin Select
80 g 20 g yeast

Ingredients for the filling

2 large potatoes 1 large onion
rosemary salt and extra virgin olive oil to taste

After preparing the mixture with the bread machine (note the order of the above ingredients for ' insertion into the machine) to pave the dough on the baking sheet and let rise another hour. Cut the potatoes very thin and onion. Meanwhile heat up the oven (250 degrees) and place the baking stone in the oven for about half an hour. Arrange the potatoes and onions on pizza topped with rosemary, salt and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.
Bake on baking stone on the bottom of the oven at 250 degrees for 10 minutes and then at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
Bon appetit!

Matter For Lohri Invitation


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Baby And Damask Clipart

project UFOSTUFO

size: 35x50 cm - 2002
print on baryta
photo: black and white - Mirko Briguglio

Monday, January 24, 2011

Normal Slice Of Cheese


This dish is part of my luggage, "Memories of Childhood" I think it is a Sicilian recipe, but from Naples. I miei genitori appena sposati si sono trasferiti per 7 anni a Napoli; mia madre, non avendo un’esperienza culinaria consolidata, ha appreso davvero tanto dalle amiche campane; ed ecco che tra i miei ricordi di bambina spuntano tante ricette che crescendo nella mia città non ho ma più avuto modo di riprovare. Il ricordo era così piacevole che, divenuta adulta,  ho voluto provare a farla. Adesso è un must della mia cucina. Ve la presento. La ricetta dell’impasto della pizza è sempre quello di Felix e Cappera , con la variante dell’uso della farina Coop al posto della Farmo.
Con questa ricetta partecipo alla raccolta Madeleines mon amour ( qui)

Ingredients for the dough:
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon sugar
700 ml lukewarm water 600 g
Schar Mix B
200g Coop
200 g Pandea
700 g gluten-free yeast 3 teaspoons salt

Ingredients for filling:

2 large bunches of beets
2 large shallots 1 clove garlic
20 tasty black olives
5 anchovy fillets 1 pinch salt
1 piece pepper to taste extra virgin olive oil

I used the bread machine, I have dissolved the yeast in half the water and the other half I put in the car and I put the following ingredients' order of listing above. In the end I added the dissolved yeast and after 5 minutes into the program and kneads yeast ", I added salt. The first ten minutes of work in front of the machine to help them pass the amalgamation of the ingredients with a spatula, silicone, this is to avoid creating lumps. I let the dough inside the car until the end of the program and after I transferred the mixture into a bowl off in the oven with the light on. The rise is very long, about four hours. I divided the dough in half: I have leveled both sides and transferred into two greased baking sheets with oil, one half is the cover of the pizza. The dough should continue to rise for another hour. Meanwhile, I've washed the beets and boil in a little salted water, after which I drained and chopped. In a pan where I made the garlic in extra virgin olive oil with chili and melted un'acciughina where I've added chopped black olives. Finally I joined the fried vegetables. To ensure that the oven was ready at the time of the assembler della pizza ho trasferito le due teglie in un ambiente caldo e asciutto ed ho portato il forno a temperatura massima. Nel frattempo, a lievitazione ultimata, ho messo il resto delle acciughine (a pezzi) in una metà della pizza ed ho condito con il ripieno. Ho chiuso la pizza ed ho aspettato che la pietra refrattaria, posizionata nella parte bassa del forno, si scaldasse per mezz’ora a temperatura massima. Scaduto il tempo, ho infornato nella pietra refrattaria mantenendo la temperatura a 250 ° per i primi dieci minuti e a 200° per circa mezz’ora. Una volta uscita dal forno, la pizza necessita di almeno 20 minuti di raffreddamento. 
Buon appetito!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Should I Tan Before My Trip To The Bahamas


XSottrazione No. 10
size: 35x50 cm - 2002
print on baryta
photo: black and white - Mirko Briguglio

This is one of 12 black and white photos of my exhibition entitled XSOTTRAZIONE. It was the year 2002. and Print in the darkroom on fiber base paper.

Diy Get Rid Of Age Spots


Friday, January 21, 2011

White Stirips White Gum

Animo' Animo


Stato d'animo
tecnica: mista
 dim: 50 x 40 cm - 2008
 dipinto di Mirko Briguglio

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How Long Does Fibroid Surgery Take


But look how marvelous! This is a part of the loot that I and my colleagues have brought home yesterday. While we were doing sampling at sea in an enchanting gulf in Sicily, perhaps I never said I was a marine biologist, we found a vessel back to port. In order not to betray my curious nature, I timidly approached the boat and I asked a big man "Cabinet Four-door" thing had caught. The fishermen who kindly showed me the loot colorful. I had the courage to ask him to buy something, with a smile, the big man above says to his companion to take two lizards (in Italian: Horse mackerel) and gives them to me. I tried to pay them, but to no avail. Why I like my land? Why I like my people? For this.
Felicissima and oblivious to the tiredness of the day, I came home with a single thought to cook this fish by following the instructions of the daughter of the fisherman.
Serves 2:
800 g of chestnut (horse mackerel)
3 large potatoes 1 large onion chopped parsley
gluten-free bread (I use the Agluten) for breading
extra virgin olive oil and salt to taste

With a sharp knife to make threads starting to affect the fish, lying on its side, with two cross cuts deep at the gill (near the fin side) and first in the queue. With most superficial incision follow the contour of the fish starting from head to tail, do the same side of the belly. Insert the knife blade along the cut back trying to move from back to belly. You should remove the thread. We proceed similarly for the other side. The nice thing is that you avoid putting your hands clean fish in the bowels and tore away the gills, the whole remains attached to the spine. This is the result of the thread.

Wash the fillets, add the salt, a drizzle of olive oil and chopped parsley. Panare with breadcrumbs. Heat oven to 200 degrees, in the meantime, clean the potatoes and onion, finely chopped (do you have in mind the size of the slices of fried papatine bag?). Season with oil, salt and parsley, available at the bottom of the pan. Put on top of the fillets coated with breadcrumbs.

Bake the casserole for about 45 minutes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Period 7 Months After Giving Birth


Homage to David Lynch
technique: mixed
size: 50 x 70 cm - 2009
design Mirko Briguglio

So ... this drawing / painting is a work of the shows that I'm doing and who has the title of 40 heads x 1 miracle. I can not tell more .... I have 4 hours for work already finished ...

see you on the flight ....


Monday, January 10, 2011

How Many Gas Stations In Texas


I could not resist the smell (unfortunately I could only enjoy that) and the appearance of Tizi buccellati and I made me promise to explain how to make them. Tired of my constant digs by connecting the acidic pious soul has decided to invite me home to test ourselves to do it with my meal: I thought it was not true! Meet at 10.30 am on the first day of leave. It 'was a really enjoyable day, partly because of Tizi and his wife are truly exquisite hosts. In addition to making buccellati was able to organize a lunch will lick your fingers its meatballs in white wine are a blast. The table was filled with a lot of good things, but even better was the company but also their budgie Diego Armando (guess why it's called that!). We were really good. They came many buccellati I got to the neighborhood, and sold well. For us celiacs are really running out of the dark ages!
The original recipe can find it here and this is what we have experienced together:
For the pastry:
1 kg of gluten free flour (cake mix of Shar)
300 g lard
15 g of ammonia cake
1 tablespoon baking gluten-free
gluten 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or grated rind of 1 lemon
250 ml whole milk 300 g sugar

For the filling :
250 g ground hazelnuts 250 g
chopped almonds 250 g dark chocolate flakes
500 g of chopped dried figs
200 g sugar 120 g raisins 100 g of peel
candied orange 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
250-300 g of honey
half a glass of muscat wine

Place a fontana sul piano di lavoro la farina mescolata con la vanillina e lo zucchero. Riempire una tazza da tè con una parte del quantitativo di latte indicato ed aggiungere l’ammoniaca ed il lievito. Cominciare pian piano a versare il contenuto della tazza nella farina ed amalgamare. Ridurre a pezzetti lo strutto e distribuirlo sull’impasto cominciando a lavorarlo. Incorporare il resto del latte man mano che si continua ad impastare fin tanto che non si ottiene un impasto omogeneo. Far riposare in frigo, mentre si prepara il ripieno, avvolto con la pellicola trasparente; per esigenze di spazio l’abbiamo diviso in tre panetti. 

Preparare il ripieno in una ciotola grande aggiungendo gli ingredienti usando l’ordine di apparizione nell’elenco sopra riportato. Se il miele dovesse risultare più solido scaldarlo a bagno maria ed aggiungerlo freddo (altrimenti le scaglie dl cioccolato squagliano!). Scaldare il forno a 175°. Affettare l’impasto in porzioni più piccole. Dalle foto si può capire il quantitativo di impasto da spianare. Spianare la pasta in un foglio di carta da forno poco infarinata.
Attenzione: la pasta deve essere sottile, come si fa con lo “strudel”, altrimenti il biscotto risulta troppo friabile e l’effetto alla “prova morso” non è gradevole.
Arrotolare l’impasto attorno al filling, trying to find the right balance quantity (you can as you do buccellati it is normal that the former are more ugly). Cut the roll created and affect each side of biscuits, so as to expand the dough during baking.

Bake for about 15-20 minutes. Dust with icing sugar or frosting to create the cover then with the grain of colored sugar. Bon appetit!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Get Points In Poptropica

Muse: Brigitte Bardot

"May They call me a sinner, But I am at peace with myself."

Best Bra For Small Breasts Victoria's Secret

Neverfull damier!

Tomorrow finally begin the much-expected winter sales!

You already have in mind what to buy?

I leave you with some photos of my new Louis Vuitton.

A big kiss

bloglovin Follow me on:)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Connect Vhs C Tapes To Computer
