Yes, this weekend I did not make pizza. For this I have a good excuse. Due to a malfunction of the refrigerator I almost lost the lievito madre; non so perché ma la parete verticale si è ricoperta di ghiaccio congelando tutti i cibi. Il lievito era duro come il legno. L’ho tenuto tutto il giorno a temperatura ambiente, sperando di non dover buttare tutto (lo curavo da mesi!); fortunatamente i lieviti sono bestiacce che resistono al freddo riducendo al minimo le loro funzioni vitali. E’ bastato solo un rinfresco per riprenderlo. Alla fine ne avevo così tanto che ho dovuto fare la pizza. Questa è una ricetta tradizionale della mia città. Il quantitativo riportato nella ricetta è per due teglie grandi di pizza. Diciamo che ne ho approfittato per invitare un po’ di gente a casa! Il risultato è stato uno sfincione morbidissimo, soffice e senza retrogusto. I received compliments from the guests. I must say that the results are excellent for baking recipes to use when Felix and capers. Never wrong, guaranteed result. Clearly, then, for the dough I used their recipe.
Ingredients for the dough:
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
500 ml lukewarm water 1 teaspoon sugar
500 g yeast 428 g flour Mix B Shar
Farmo 143 g low protein flour (blue pack)
Pandea 143 g of flour for bread mix 3 teaspoons of salt
Ingredients for sauce: 3 white onions
300 g of fresh cheese
100 g anchovy fillets
1.2 kg tomatoes oregano
gluten free bread crumbs (I used to Agluten)
salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil to taste
I helped to mix with the bread machine, I started putting tablespoons of olive oil and warm water after that I loose half of the yeast and sugar . I let it sit while I proceeded to weigh the various flours. I loved them, the rest of the yeast and I started the program and kneads yeast ". As the machine works by adding flour by the spoonful. Finally I added the salt. From time to time helped the mixing with a silicone spatula. After the end of the program I transferred the mixture into two bowls, I just heated the oven (about 30 degrees), I left off and I turned on the light bulb. I rested for 5 hours. Remember that the natural rising needs more time but the rewards are many. In the meantime I prepared the sauce. I cleaned and finely chopped onions which I browned in a pan with a little olive oil. The onion must not burn, the fire must keep the flame lively but not loud. Every now and then I added water (in all is a small glass) and I covered the pan. With the tines of a fork I crushed the tomatoes and I added them to the onion and finally I added the sauce from the bottom of the pot and cook for half an hour. Expired 5 hours, I flattened the dough, dividing it into two greased baking sheets with oil and did rise again for an hour. I seasoned the bases with two pieces of anchovy, sliced \u200b\u200bcheese (I've covered all the mixture of the two trays), the sauce, plenty of oregano, pepper and bread crumbs. I let it rest for half an hour. I proceeded with the cooking in the baking stone, (HERE), 250 ° for the first ten minutes and 200 degrees for half an hour. When you come sfincione, wait for it to cool a bit 'before eating.
Bon appetit!
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