Monday, January 10, 2011

How Many Gas Stations In Texas


I could not resist the smell (unfortunately I could only enjoy that) and the appearance of Tizi buccellati and I made me promise to explain how to make them. Tired of my constant digs by connecting the acidic pious soul has decided to invite me home to test ourselves to do it with my meal: I thought it was not true! Meet at 10.30 am on the first day of leave. It 'was a really enjoyable day, partly because of Tizi and his wife are truly exquisite hosts. In addition to making buccellati was able to organize a lunch will lick your fingers its meatballs in white wine are a blast. The table was filled with a lot of good things, but even better was the company but also their budgie Diego Armando (guess why it's called that!). We were really good. They came many buccellati I got to the neighborhood, and sold well. For us celiacs are really running out of the dark ages!
The original recipe can find it here and this is what we have experienced together:
For the pastry:
1 kg of gluten free flour (cake mix of Shar)
300 g lard
15 g of ammonia cake
1 tablespoon baking gluten-free
gluten 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or grated rind of 1 lemon
250 ml whole milk 300 g sugar

For the filling :
250 g ground hazelnuts 250 g
chopped almonds 250 g dark chocolate flakes
500 g of chopped dried figs
200 g sugar 120 g raisins 100 g of peel
candied orange 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
250-300 g of honey
half a glass of muscat wine

Place a fontana sul piano di lavoro la farina mescolata con la vanillina e lo zucchero. Riempire una tazza da tè con una parte del quantitativo di latte indicato ed aggiungere l’ammoniaca ed il lievito. Cominciare pian piano a versare il contenuto della tazza nella farina ed amalgamare. Ridurre a pezzetti lo strutto e distribuirlo sull’impasto cominciando a lavorarlo. Incorporare il resto del latte man mano che si continua ad impastare fin tanto che non si ottiene un impasto omogeneo. Far riposare in frigo, mentre si prepara il ripieno, avvolto con la pellicola trasparente; per esigenze di spazio l’abbiamo diviso in tre panetti. 

Preparare il ripieno in una ciotola grande aggiungendo gli ingredienti usando l’ordine di apparizione nell’elenco sopra riportato. Se il miele dovesse risultare più solido scaldarlo a bagno maria ed aggiungerlo freddo (altrimenti le scaglie dl cioccolato squagliano!). Scaldare il forno a 175°. Affettare l’impasto in porzioni più piccole. Dalle foto si può capire il quantitativo di impasto da spianare. Spianare la pasta in un foglio di carta da forno poco infarinata.
Attenzione: la pasta deve essere sottile, come si fa con lo “strudel”, altrimenti il biscotto risulta troppo friabile e l’effetto alla “prova morso” non è gradevole.
Arrotolare l’impasto attorno al filling, trying to find the right balance quantity (you can as you do buccellati it is normal that the former are more ugly). Cut the roll created and affect each side of biscuits, so as to expand the dough during baking.

Bake for about 15-20 minutes. Dust with icing sugar or frosting to create the cover then with the grain of colored sugar. Bon appetit!


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