Sunday, February 27, 2011

U Haul Tow Dolly For Sale


 Una ricetta per i più golosi; basta la foto per capire la bontà di questo dolce. Vedi, quando ho la tranquillità del week end faccio cose più golose. La ricetta dei biscotti l'ha trovata  Sonia per me . La crema viene fuori da una ricetta di una mia amica (con la A maiuscola) che custodisco da circa 15 anni. Nel mio ricettario c'è ancora il suo pizzino di carta. Grazie Carlotta. Le quantità degli ingredienti si riferisce alla preparazione di 4 coppe.
I ngredienti per la crema al mascarpone:
250 g mascarpone
500 g strawberries
16 biscuits type Pavesini
3 eggs 7 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons brandy or maraschino
the juice of a lemon

Ingredients for cookies:
46 g potato starch
104 g rice flour 30 g cornstarch
3 eggs 130 g sugar 1 bag of vanilla

It starts from cookies. Fit in a very firm eggs with the sugar for at least 15 minutes. Sift together the vanilla, potato starch, rice flour and cornstarch. Add the flour mix slowly while continuing to possible to move from the bottom up so as not remove the dough. Pull it into the pastry bag fitted with the small hole. In a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to begin to give shape to the biscuits, while some 'distance between each other or you risk that join during cooking. Heat oven to 150 ° while the plate is kept in the fridge for 10 minutes.
Bake in and out of the plate when the cookies to brown, allow to cool for a while '.
Meanwhile start preparing the cream. Clean and cut into small pieces 400 g of strawberries, put them in the lemon juice with 4 tablespoons of sugar and the brandy / maraschino. The rest of the strawberries are blended with the mixer with 1 tablespoon of sugar and put in the fridge.
Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt in another bowl, assemble the sugar and egg yolks, add the mascarpone and turn gently. Add spoonfuls of the whites also whites and turn gently, trying not to dismantle the whole.
Now begins the assembly of the cup: the fund put 2 teaspoons of strawberry milkshake, start to make the layers starting with the mascarpone, then the biscuits dipped in strawberry juice and finally the strawberries into pieces. Continue layering. Do not cover the cup to the brim, but leave room for the final layer of strawberry milkshake. Passare in frigo la coppa per almeno 4 ore. Prima di servire aggiungere il frullato di fragole in superficie.
 Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good Quality Makeup Brand

Sfincione Bagheria

Avete tanto lievito di birra da consumare perchè si approssima la scadenza? Dovete rinfrescare e quindi usare il lievito madre perchè è diventato davvero tanto?
Vi do un’idea: questo è lo sfincione bianco che si mangia a Bagheria. Andando in qualsiasi panificio di questo paese (diventato like a city) will find this type of pizza, the Bagheria they're proud of and are keen to stress that it is something else than the sfincione Palermo. I tried them both (both gluten version, before I knew to be celiac, gluten free version is made by me) and I must say that I can not decide which I like best. Although the same basic training, the use of different kinds of cheese makes the difference.
on this page you will find all the information to make pizza with high yeast and into that recipe if you use baking cakes.
Here are just ingredients per il condimento.
Ingredienti per condimento:
3 cipolle bianche grandi
50 g di caciocavallo grattugiato
100 g di filetti di acciuga
100 g di tuma
pangrattato senza glutine (Io ho usato quello Agluten)
sale, pepe ed olio e.v.o. quanto basta

Pulire e tagliare finemente le cipolle e rosolare in un tegame con un filo d’olio. Durante prevent browning the onions from burning while the fire is not too strong, add water every so often (in all is a small glass). Keep the pan covered. Since you do not use tomatoes, enough to keep everything moist. Bake for half an hour with the pan covered at all times. Expiry of the hours for rising the dough, flatten the dough, dividing it into two greased baking sheets with oil and let rise again for an hour. Season the bases with two pieces of anchovy, with tuma cut into thick slices to cover the entire mixture of the two pans; aggiungereil onions in white sauce and cover everything with much, but much bread crumbs mixed with grated cheese, plenty of oregano e  pepe. Aggiungere un filo di olio e lasciare riposare per mezz’ora. Ho proceduto con la cottura nella pietra refrattaria: portare al massimo il forno e scaldare la pietra refrattaria per mezz’ora. Infornare lo sfincione ponendolo sulla parte bassa del forno a 250 ° per i primi dieci minuti e a 200° per mezz’ora. Quando uscite lo sfincione, aspettate che si raffreddi un po’ prima di consumarlo. Questo è fondamentale perchè si compatta.
Buon appetito!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Best Groomsmen Gift Ever


Devo dire che potrei curarlo di più. In fin dei conti l’ho always wanted. It 'was the reason I left the city for the province, a house with a little' garden, a piece of land where they can do whatever you can think of. In truth, when I moved I have not done so much and I feel ashamed a bit '. Unfortunately, work commitments and do not give me neither time nor peace to heal my few plants as I want. Imagine that very often the weekend is spent in front of the computer or in front of the kitchen (cleaning or ironing, do not talk, right?).
Meet the corners of my garden that I hope to make money, at least for the summer.

These are my lemons

E’ proprio strano: abbiamo 3 piante, ma solo una ha fruttificato bene. Boh, una spiegazione vera non c’è, anche perchè sono proprio vicini.

Questo è il motivo per cui presento in continuazione piatti con il finocchietto selvatico.

 Tutto è partito da pochi semini regalati dal vicino, ma si sa che il finocchietto fa tutto da solo.

Vogliamo parlare delle mie 2 piantine di fragole che non smettono di farne?

The problem is that there's a papparsele snails before me.

This is the year that I dried oregano and used.

My marjoram
Sonia worry that I'll give you a bit 'when we meet.

Finally, I close with the rosemary, inevitable in a Mediterranean garden nulla; ho fatto fare dal mio giardiniere preferito (mio marito) anche i solchi per piantare lattughine, broccoletti e altro ortaggi. Peccato che mi è rimasto solo guardarli crescere negli altri giardini.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sayings For Dogs With Cancer

anelletti BAKED

Che dire di questo piatto. Pensando alla ricetta tradizionale questa è una ricetta che viene subito in mente ad un palermitano; la cosa strana è che non si usa mangiarli in nessun’altra parte della Sicilia. Ovviamente a seconda delle tradizioni familiari e a seconda della stagione questo piatto può arricchirsi di altri ingredienti. C’è chi si ricorda che la nonna aggiungeva l’uovo sodo e pezzetti di salame, c’è chi aggiunge le melanzane. Io la preferisco semplice, più leggera. A casa mia si mangia così.
Ingredienti per 4 persone
1 cipolla
1 carota
1 cuore di sedano
1 mazzetto di prezzemolo
300 g polpa di vitello tritata
200 g di pisellini sgranati
1 bottiglia di passata di pomodoro
40 g di burro
400 ml di latte
40 g di farina
200 g di mozzarella
1 mazzetto di basilico
100 g di caciocavallo grattugiato
1 bicchiere di vino bianco
olio e.v.o.
1 noce di burro
1 foglia di alloro
sale e pepe
noce moscata
400 g di pasta "anelletti siciliani" senza glutine
1 cucchiaino di cannella e 1 cucchiaino di cumino (fanno la differenza)

Fare appassire in olio (4 cucchiai) e burro (una noce) la cipolla, il sedano e la carota tritati con un pugno di prezzemolo tagliato. Aggiungere la polpa di vitello e la foglia di alloro, far rosolare un po’, bagnare con il vino bianco e far evaporare. Aggiungere i pisellini, la cannella ed il cumino. Versare la passata di pomodoro, aggiungere le foglie di basilico tritate, salare e pepper. Cook for about 40 minutes, adding a bit 'of water if necessary. Prepare the sauce by melting the butter over low heat. Remove from heat and slowly add the flour and milk, stirring constantly. Bring on the fire by adding a pinch of salt and nutmeg, stir gently until they thicken. Allow to cool.
Meanwhile turn the oven to 200 degrees and butter a round cake pan with removable rim, cover with breadcrumbs and then add some punch with cheese. Cut the mozzarella into small pieces. Cook pasta al dente keeping. Drain pasta, return it to the pot where it is cooked, pour over the sauce, the white sauce, mozzarella and cheese, leaving some of it by hand. Stir well to everything and pour into baking pan. Cover the pie with bread crumbs, the rest of cheese and a few flakes of butter. Bake for 40-45 minutes. Once cooked allow to cool to suggest that well, so that all internal balances. Only after you rest, reverse the contents of the pan on a large plate.
Bon appetit!

Good Warm Up Songs For Bball

... What I can never thank

now have become so many that I could not afford not to thank. I thank you because your a recognition motivates me to go ahead and experiment with increasingly front of the stove. I now also involved in the company that my husband knows that he must take the images that aspettarae before you can eat. It 's my personal court, demanding and critical, but with a feel and an unparalleled kindness. I just called to tell me how much it weighs, and I ordered him to file for divorce if I keep the recipes:) Thank
Paola , Felix, Anna and Tinny designed for me. Know that I follow with great admiration and esteem shown to the turnaround. I hope that I remembered them all, otherwise I apologize and please let me out.
Thanks girls!

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Write Test Cases In Manual Testing


I leave for the weekend a very easy recipe and great effect. Every time I do I enjoy watching the faces and hear the moans of those who eat. This time I used the muffin pan but you can also use a cake pan for classical.
Ingredients 200 g dark chocolate gluten free
200 g butter 250 g caster sugar 5 eggs
flour 1 tablespoon gluten-free

Once melted chocolate in a double boiler with butter add it to sugar and mix well. Combine the eggs one at a time, stirring constantly. Add flour. Meanwhile turn the oven to 160 degrees. Grease and flour the cake pan with removable rim or use the muffin pan with 12 units. Bake for half an hour. I recommend you let it cool and place it in the fridge for at least 2 hours. I have served all with a tablespoon of whipped cream without sugar.
Boys is a lust, I recommend it!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best Gyms To Find Steroids


Series: Into the Dark
technique: oil
size: 35 x 45 cm - 2011
painting by Mirko Briguglio

place in the flight of my new series of paintings Dark. It 's a vision last night.
good trip ...


What's The Thickest Yoga Mat?

This is the appetizer I made for dinner on Saturday evening organized with marzipan sheep and his wife. The weekend always is dedicated to the preparation of bread for the whole week, since I had mixed with whole wheat flour I decided to make mini sandwiches and serve with Parmesan cheese quality (biological) and the dried tomatoes pate "Your Sicily ".
In addition, I made the cubes of cheese in a really original.
Now I'll tell you.
600 g of body for the mini panini(di seguito descritto)
60 g parmigiano grattugiato
4 cucchiaini di patè di pomodori secchi
cubetti di parmigiano reggiano
glassa di aceto balsamico senza glutine (io uso quella Ponti)
qualche cucchiaio di miele non forte di gusto (io ho usato il miele agli agrumi)
granella di pistacchi

Ingredienti impasto mini panini:
 200 g lievito madre
200 ml acqua tiepida
2 cucchiai olio e.v.o.
2 cucchiaini di sale
1 cucchiaino di miele
125 g Brot – mix Schar
70 g Mix B
Farmo 30 g lactose 25 g
Continue to knead the bread, with the help of the bread machine in this way: it into the machine, or in a bowl, where mixing, dissolve the yeast in warm water with honey and let stand for 10 minutes. Press the "kneading and baking powder and add to the mix tablespoons of flour. Helping mixing with a silicone spatula. At the end add salt and oil. Pass the mixture into a bowl and let stand in oven with the light on at a temperature of about 30 degrees for at least 4 hours. Divide the dough in two. Meanwhile, the oven heats at the maximum temperature and after entering into the baking stone for at least half an hour, season the mixture. For one half add the grated Parmesan cheese and mix a small loaf, cut and shape as in the photo, the other half to add the sun dried tomatoes pate, proceeding as described above. Let stand for 15 minutes. Brush the surface of mini sandwiches with egg yolk and bake for half an hour. Every now and then check the cooking. Leaving out of the oven for 10 minutes.

Prepare the cubes of cheese covering them with honey (pouring from a spoon); nel caso in cui il miele dovesse presentarsi cristallizzato, procedere a scioglierlo con una cottura a bagnomaria. Aggiungere la glassa di aceto balsamico e la granella di pistacchi.

Accompagnare il tutto con un buon prosecco frizzante o con un Bianco d’Alcamo o con un Inzolia.
Buon Aperitivo!

Dress Up Littlest Pet Shop Games


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Big Plant Pots Wholesale

FRITTEDDA delicious appetizer (artichoke, broad beans and peas) Chicken roll

Questa settimana da Gaspare ho comprato fave, piselli freschi e carciofi. Ad un siciliano tutto ciò richiama solo ed unicamente un piatto: la frittella. E’ un piatto tradizionale e non so se solo della mia città. Ogni famiglia ha il proprio how to cook, you ask: "What is there to vary the vegetable stew?". I will answer, "but you're crazy?". Until yesterday, I also thought like you, but I opened up a world: "Make frittedda? Be careful, do not add water" "do not add salt to the beans they throw," not arriminare (mix), you gently shake the pan, I recommend! "" the fire must be very sweet. " Okay, okay, I have uploaded of anxiety! In the end I decided to do it my way, I stew the vegetables:). I do not say that sweetness and taste! I do not know if that depend on organic vegetables or vegetables that are in season. We threatened to finish the bowl in two. Try and then tell me what you think.
Ingredients 1 kg fresh broad beans 1 kg fresh peas
2 shallots 1 bunch fresh mint
1 cup milk or 1 lemon salt and pepper
1 wire extra virgin olive oil fi
Clean the artichokes and put them in a bowl with water and lemon juice or water and milk. Clean and rinse the beans and peas. Clean and slice the shallots. Fry onion with oil and place the artichokes and cut into slices not too small. After two minutes add the beans and peas. Tradition you do not want to add water, but some do so in defiance of bad luck. Lower the heat and cover as much as possible, leaving everything to cook for twenty minutes. Every now and then you just shake the pan and not to run with a wooden spoon, or you risk ruining the artichokes. When cooked, add salt (if needed), pepper and chopped mint.
Serve hot or cold.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pain On Front Left Side Just Under Rib Cage

home two slices of chicken breast, but I could not make them simply grilled. In truth I had also proposed ma il maritino mi ha guardata non molto convinto. Mi sono dovuta inventare questi involtini pratici e veloci e...più calorici. Sono venuti buoni e profumati. Mi hanno risolto il problema della cena banale.

Involtini di pollo per due persone:

2 Fette di pollo spianate
4 fette di primo sale
4 fette di prosciutto cotto senza glutine
400 g funghi champignon surgelati (meglio se freschi)
1 cucchiaio di farina ovviamente senza glutine
1 bicchiere di latte
1 spicchio di aglio
2 foglie di salvia

Procedere nel fare gli involtini cominciando to lay 2 slices of ham and two slices of salt on the first piece of chicken that has been previously salted. Roll the chicken around and close the ends dell'involtino; tie it all together with kitchen twine. Skip to the mushrooms in the pan pieces sauteed with olive oil after a while 'the clove of garlic. Add the rolls, by browning the meat. Add milk, sage and a little 'flour to thicken. Continue cooking over low heat. Season with salt and pepper.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Operation Repo January 11


How To Do Beginner Tricks On A Tech Deck


this weekend, taking advantage of a beautiful sun, I enjoyed to do some 'pictures in the garden. The aim was to photograph the organic products that weekly Gaspar takes me. I never talked about the fact that almost all recipes posted on the blog are made with high quality raw material. I had the good fortune to meet with a local manufacturer certificate which has resulted in a very nice relationship. At the tender age of 37 years I have been rediscovering the real taste of fruit and vegetables.

It 'right in my face small agricultural cooperative advertising Vitabio ( ) because these are people who decided to invest on my land, facing all that this entails.

I leave you the link where you can see also preserves and juices they produce & id = 58 & Itemid = 56 & lang = en
The nice thing is that you can order these products from all over Italy.
are also on facebook, just search " Siciliavostra Gas-responsible tourism."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Brazilian Wax After Swelling And Dots

What more appropriate name for this? I came to mind after the first bite because it is a satisfaction it designed and then implemented. To repay the effort it took was a smile of my husband. It 's really a lust!
sponge Ingredients: 4 eggs
150 g sugar 150 g gluten Biaglut
grated rind of 1 lemon 4 tablespoons
glucose syrup orange aroma
a pinch of salt

Wet Ingredients:
100 g sugar 100 g

I Chantilly Cream Ingredients: 250 g
milk 2 egg yolks 75 g sugar
20 g gluten Biaglut
a bowl of strawberries
500 g liquid cream

50 g sugar 4 tablespoons glucose syrup aroma orange

Prepare sponge cake (for procedure see HERE ) by adding at the end of flavored syrup .
Bake at 160 degrees for 25 minutes. Turn off after the test stick (a skewer inserted into the cake should come out dry).
Let cool.
For the cream I recommend it because it needs at least 4 hours before sleep. The risk is that once the cake stuffed cream coli by all parties. Heat the milk (up to about 80 °). Meanwhile, add the egg yolks in a saucepan with the sugar. A tip: the yolks should be at room temperature and do not use the electric whisk for a compound should not be mounted. With holy patience mixed with a silicone spatula or with a hand whisk. Add the flour a tablespoon. Mix everything until a dough that does not have lumps. Add the hot milk and stir with a whisk to dissolve the whole. Spend all the cooking going a mescolare, prima con la spatola raschiando il fondo, e poi con la frusta quando la crema comincia ad addensarsi. Togliete dal fuoco e continuate a mescolare. Aggiungete lo sciroppo di glucosio aromatizzato. Come vi ho scritto prima deve riposare in frigo dopo averla raffreddata a temperatura ambiente. Procedete a dividere il pan di spagna in tre parti che bagnerete per bene con la bagna preparata mescolando bene lo zucchero con il maraschino. Procedete  a montare la panna con lo zucchero a velo e dividetela in tre parti: una parte deve essere mescolata con la crema e metà delle fragoline; la seconda parte la mescolate con il resto delle fragoline e la terza parte la userete per ricoprire l’esterno della torta.
Cominciate ad assemblare the cake from the bottom. I did the first coat with yellow cream, but I recommend you start with the cream and strawberries, so that there is distance between this layer and the coating of cream cake. It 's just a matter of beauty. In summary, from the bottom up: the first layer is made of cream made with cream and strawberries, and the second is made of whipped cream and strawberries. Once closed, proceed to put on the cake with the cream with the aid of a spatula. Let rest in refrigerator, if you can, for one hour.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Leg Bruises For No Reason


Con questa ricetta partecipo all'iniziativa: Liberiamoci del maiale!

Ho deciso di riportare solo alcune delle battute sulle donne di Berlusconi che ho trovato in rete. Non lascio alcun commento, non ce n’è bisogno. (tratto da un articolo di Rosaria Amato su Repubblica e di un articolo sul Corriere della Sera di Gian Antonio Stella ).
“Vedo laggiù in prima fila rappresentanti di notevole livello estetico. Sapete che sono innamorato di mia moglie, ma non ho perso il senso estetico e noto delle gambe straordinarie moving. And, Mr. President Fisichella, do not light. " A sentence pronounced by Silvio Berlusconi to a convention of An, and can be regarded as an effective key to the interpretation of his thoughts on women, and especially on his wife, Veronica Lario.
Finnish President Tarja Halonen With you touched a diplomatic incident. At Parma, at the opening ceremony of the European Food Safety Authority, Berlusconi hints at seducing her in order to get their goals: "I've dusted off all my limbs playboy ...". The joke caused the official reaction, and indignant, Helsinki.
"I love France and continues to love her - Berlusconi once said - Just count the girlfriends that I had. " But it is also a husband 'in love', testifies to the great surprise party (with sensational gift) to Marrakech at the last birthday of his wife. On the other hand, Veronica knows 'being in place': famous last words!
Viviana Beccalossi, National Alliance, a candidate for mayor of Brescia in 2003 (as early as 1994, but lost both times), now vice president of the regional council of Lombardy. During the campaign four years ago, Berlusconi said from the stage: "Beccalossi is more good than beautiful, the opposite of Rosy Bindi." E Chios with the famous exhortation: "Come on Viviana, let him see!"
In 2002, the press conference held at the meeting with Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and very handsome young man, Berlusconi said: "Prime Minister Rasmussen is the most beautiful in Europe. I am thinking of introducing him to my wife why it is even more beautiful than Cacciari. With everything that is said around (alluding to the alleged history of Lake Como with Cacciari) ... Poor woman .... " And Rasmussen says in English that dazed smiles with a wink: "You do not know the history. I'll tell you after .... "

Closes Campaign Electoral Moratti urging everyone to vote for "our lady of iron! Look at bela tusa. "
Invite Americans to invest in Italy because "in addition to good weather and the beauty of the country we also beautiful secretaries."
greets admirers of the Cremona Welcoming the three "t" in the city, "the Torrazzo, nougat, tits."
plays down the difficulties of international competitiveness, saying that "competitiveness is nice to have on girls." Send
delirious its flattering and beast in the other women, saying, "I am incapable of saying no, luckily I'm a man and a woman."
Alessandra Mussolini Berlusconi blurts out: "Throw it away ...." At
Yespica in 2005, in addition to the phrase "I'd go anywhere with you, call in a meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. "Dear Hugo, you step your a fan of ..." (proving everyone to have the phone number of the beautiful Venezuelan).
the then German chancellor Schroeder says, "Let's talk about football and women ...." And then: "You, for example, Gerhard, you had four wives, what can you say about women?".
Brescia during the elections of 2003 states that "Viviana Beccalossi is more good than beautiful. The opposite of Rosi Bindi. " But then, carried away, shouting: "Come on Viviana, let him see." "There and then I have not noticed," said the embarrassed Beccalossi.
During an official visit to Hungary advised reporters to be given by the Hungarian prime minister "a few good address."
Dell'immobiliarista Stefano Ricucci says, "Macchi poor Ricucci, has something we all envy him!", Alluding to his wife Anna Falchi. When
to vote against the prime minister shares rose ensure that they acted "in self-defense: some Members have done the calculations: already risked a lot by switching to proportional representation, if every three of us bring a lady .... " On the other hand loses no opportunity to ensure that "we the ladies, especially beautiful in Parliament we like very much."

Ombretta Colli says: "Vote eye shadow: it is good, is the bela tusa and sings well."
salutes the FAO in particular, "the beautiful delegates."
In Moscow in 2004 during an official visit to embarrass Putin persists in kissing a worker of Merloni had done everything to avoid his effusions.
At a gala evening of two years ago with the Italian fashion in Palazzo Chigi, the newspapers report a list of gallant phrases: "The eyes thank you" to Debora Salvalaggio, runner-up to Miss Italy, "Beautiful, beautiful, how wonderful, congratulations" to Miss Rome. Until the evening of Telegatti, and phrases aimed at Micaela Bianci and Mara Carfagna, Veronica Lario, and who have offended: "I am brave and beautiful, and Carfagna ... look at it, if I were not already married to marry me."
back with a sentence of shock on the need to deploy the military within the national territory, explaining that you can not 'think the rapes to cope with the army to defend public order: "We have so many soldiers how are the beautiful Italian girls, I do not think we'd ever succeed ... "

Berlusconi University telematics," Laura Bell, not as the Bindi "

He Albania and unhappy with Prime Minister Sali Berisha joke when talking about landing on Italian shores, and she said has also been photographed with the beautiful young TV journalists of Albanian .
Berlusconi holding hands with his grandson and between the applause of passers-by he started playing with grandson Alexander at some point he stroked a dog first and then turned towards the girl child. At that point is taken la battuta di Berlusconi: «E’ come il nonno, gli piacciono le minorenni».
Il massimo lo diede nella conferenza stampa finale del G7 di Napoli, raccontando dell’ultima serata con Clinton e gli altri leader mondiali: «La Reggia di Caserta era bellissima. Mi sono sentito orgoglioso di essere italiano. Le fontane illuminate erano bellissime. Le signore stringevano gli occhi con un’aria romantica. A qualcuno ho detto: attenzione, sennò stanotte aumentiamo la prole». Oddio, non è che gli stranieri apprezzino sempre. In una cronaca dell’International Herald Tribune Thomas Fuller narrava sarcastico come l’allora premier, durante una visita, avesse insistito per portare le giornaliste «al piano above the bathtub to see Gary Cooper in which he washed his back for some ladies. "

Only with Hugo Chavez, not for another nicknamed "El Mago de las Emociones," had been pushed further. Live with a wink, the Valentine's Day, the wife, "Marisabel, mamaíta! Tonight I'll give you your own. "

Recipe: Pasta with fennel and sausage
Ingredients for 4 servings: 300 g
pork sausage 1 bunch of fennel
1 tablespoon pine nuts 1 tablespoon raisins
shallots 1 tablespoon curry
1 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere
2 cucchiai di panna da cucina
mezzo bicchiere di latte
olio e.v.o.

Bollite il finocchietto selvatico per circa 5-10 minuti e prendete solo le cime. Fate appassire lo scalogno in una padella antiaderente. Aggiungete i pinoli e l’uva passa. Sbriciolate la salsiccia uscendola dal budello e aggiungetela al soffritto; se necessario unite un po’ di latte. Tagliate le cime del finocchietto e aggiungetele in padella. Insaporite con il curry e la cannella, aggiungendo in fine la panna e il resto del latte.
Buon appetito!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Can I Put Two Frame Tents Together


I present to you a cake that is always ready at the house of my husband. For the first time I made gluten free version. Who does not love cinnamon you can substitute it with cocoa powder.
Ingredients: 1 liter of milk
100 g sugar 100 g rice starch
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
gluten free cinnamon cookies
type grinder or gold biscuit

Dissolve the starch in a little milk as you mix with a whisk, add sugar, vanilla and the rest of the milk. Melt all that cold. Continue to stir over medium heat until such time as the cream thickens. In a baking dish cover the bottom with a layer of cookies and cover with cream. Let cool to room temperature and then pass it in the fridge for an hour. Just before serving, cover with cinnamon.
Bon appetit!