This is the appetizer I made for dinner on Saturday evening organized with marzipan sheep and his wife. The weekend always is dedicated to the preparation of bread for the whole week, since I had mixed with whole wheat flour I decided to make mini sandwiches and serve with Parmesan cheese quality (biological) and the dried tomatoes pate "Your Sicily ".
In addition, I made the cubes of cheese in a really original.
Now I'll tell you.
600 g of body for the mini panini(di seguito descritto)
60 g parmigiano grattugiato
4 cucchiaini di patè di pomodori secchi
cubetti di parmigiano reggiano
glassa di aceto balsamico senza glutine (io uso quella Ponti)
qualche cucchiaio di miele non forte di gusto (io ho usato il miele agli agrumi)
granella di pistacchi
Ingredienti impasto mini panini:
200 g lievito madre
200 ml acqua tiepida
2 cucchiai olio e.v.o.
2 cucchiaini di sale
1 cucchiaino di miele
125 g Brot – mix Schar
70 g Mix B
Farmo 30 g lactose 25 g
Continue to knead the bread, with the help of the bread machine in this way: it into the machine, or in a bowl, where mixing, dissolve the yeast in warm water with honey and let stand for 10 minutes. Press the "kneading and baking powder and add to the mix tablespoons of flour. Helping mixing with a silicone spatula. At the end add salt and oil. Pass the mixture into a bowl and let stand in oven with the light on at a temperature of about 30 degrees for at least 4 hours. Divide the dough in two. Meanwhile, the oven heats at the maximum temperature and after entering into the baking stone for at least half an hour, season the mixture. For one half add the grated Parmesan cheese and mix a small loaf, cut and shape as in the photo, the other half to add the sun dried tomatoes pate, proceeding as described above. Let stand for 15 minutes. Brush the surface of mini sandwiches with egg yolk and bake for half an hour. Every now and then check the cooking. Leaving out of the oven for 10 minutes.
Prepare the cubes of cheese covering them with honey (pouring from a spoon); nel caso in cui il miele dovesse presentarsi cristallizzato, procedere a scioglierlo con una cottura a bagnomaria. Aggiungere la glassa di aceto balsamico e la granella di pistacchi.
Accompagnare il tutto con un buon prosecco frizzante o con un Bianco d’Alcamo o con un Inzolia.
Buon Aperitivo!
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