Con questa ricetta partecipo all'iniziativa: Liberiamoci del maiale!
Ho deciso di riportare solo alcune delle battute sulle donne di Berlusconi che ho trovato in rete. Non lascio alcun commento, non ce n’è bisogno. (tratto da un articolo di Rosaria Amato su Repubblica e di un articolo sul Corriere della Sera di Gian Antonio Stella ).
“Vedo laggiù in prima fila rappresentanti di notevole livello estetico. Sapete che sono innamorato di mia moglie, ma non ho perso il senso estetico e noto delle gambe straordinarie moving. And, Mr. President Fisichella, do not light. " A sentence pronounced by Silvio Berlusconi to a convention of An, and can be regarded as an effective key to the interpretation of his thoughts on women, and especially on his wife, Veronica Lario.
Finnish President Tarja Halonen With you touched a diplomatic incident. At Parma, at the opening ceremony of the European Food Safety Authority, Berlusconi hints at seducing her in order to get their goals: "I've dusted off all my limbs playboy ...". The joke caused the official reaction, and indignant, Helsinki.
"I love France and continues to love her - Berlusconi once said - Just count the girlfriends that I had. " But it is also a husband 'in love', testifies to the great surprise party (with sensational gift) to Marrakech at the last birthday of his wife. On the other hand, Veronica knows 'being in place': famous last words!
Viviana Beccalossi, National Alliance, a candidate for mayor of Brescia in 2003 (as early as 1994, but lost both times), now vice president of the regional council of Lombardy. During the campaign four years ago, Berlusconi said from the stage: "Beccalossi is more good than beautiful, the opposite of Rosy Bindi." E Chios with the famous exhortation: "Come on Viviana, let him see!"
In 2002, the press conference held at the meeting with Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, and very handsome young man, Berlusconi said: "Prime Minister Rasmussen is the most beautiful in Europe. I am thinking of introducing him to my wife why it is even more beautiful than Cacciari. With everything that is said around (alluding to the alleged history of Lake Como with Cacciari) ... Poor woman .... " And Rasmussen says in English that dazed smiles with a wink: "You do not know the history. I'll tell you after .... "
Closes Campaign Electoral Moratti urging everyone to vote for "our lady of iron! Look at bela tusa. "
Invite Americans to invest in Italy because "in addition to good weather and the beauty of the country we also beautiful secretaries."
greets admirers of the Cremona Welcoming the three "t" in the city, "the Torrazzo, nougat, tits."
plays down the difficulties of international competitiveness, saying that "competitiveness is nice to have on girls." Send
delirious its flattering and beast in the other women, saying, "I am incapable of saying no, luckily I'm a man and a woman."
Once Alessandra Mussolini Berlusconi blurts out: "Throw it away ...." At
Yespica in 2005, in addition to the phrase "I'd go anywhere with you, call in a meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. "Dear Hugo, you step your a fan of ..." (proving everyone to have the phone number of the beautiful Venezuelan).
the then German chancellor Schroeder says, "Let's talk about football and women ...." And then: "You, for example, Gerhard, you had four wives, what can you say about women?".
Brescia during the elections of 2003 states that "Viviana Beccalossi is more good than beautiful. The opposite of Rosi Bindi. " But then, carried away, shouting: "Come on Viviana, let him see." "There and then I have not noticed," said the embarrassed Beccalossi.
During an official visit to Hungary advised reporters to be given by the Hungarian prime minister "a few good address."
Dell'immobiliarista Stefano Ricucci says, "Macchi poor Ricucci, has something we all envy him!", Alluding to his wife Anna Falchi. When
to vote against the prime minister shares rose ensure that they acted "in self-defense: some Members have done the calculations: already risked a lot by switching to proportional representation, if every three of us bring a lady .... " On the other hand loses no opportunity to ensure that "we the ladies, especially beautiful in Parliament we like very much."
Ombretta Colli says: "Vote eye shadow: it is good, is the bela tusa and sings well."
Ombretta Colli says: "Vote eye shadow: it is good, is the bela tusa and sings well."
salutes the FAO in particular, "the beautiful delegates."
In Moscow in 2004 during an official visit to embarrass Putin persists in kissing a worker of Merloni had done everything to avoid his effusions.
At a gala evening of two years ago with the Italian fashion in Palazzo Chigi, the newspapers report a list of gallant phrases: "The eyes thank you" to Debora Salvalaggio, runner-up to Miss Italy, "Beautiful, beautiful, how wonderful, congratulations" to Miss Rome. Until the evening of Telegatti, and phrases aimed at Micaela Bianci and Mara Carfagna, Veronica Lario, and who have offended: "I am brave and beautiful, and Carfagna ... look at it, if I were not already married to marry me."
back with a sentence of shock on the need to deploy the military within the national territory, explaining that you can not 'think the rapes to cope with the army to defend public order: "We have so many soldiers how are the beautiful Italian girls, I do not think we'd ever succeed ... "
Berlusconi University telematics," Laura Bell, not as the Bindi "
He Albania and unhappy with Prime Minister Sali Berisha joke when talking about landing on Italian shores, and she said has also been photographed with the beautiful young TV journalists of Albanian .
Berlusconi holding hands with his grandson and between the applause of passers-by he started playing with grandson Alexander at some point he stroked a dog first and then turned towards the girl child. At that point is taken la battuta di Berlusconi: «E’ come il nonno, gli piacciono le minorenni».
Il massimo lo diede nella conferenza stampa finale del G7 di Napoli, raccontando dell’ultima serata con Clinton e gli altri leader mondiali: «La Reggia di Caserta era bellissima. Mi sono sentito orgoglioso di essere italiano. Le fontane illuminate erano bellissime. Le signore stringevano gli occhi con un’aria romantica. A qualcuno ho detto: attenzione, sennò stanotte aumentiamo la prole». Oddio, non è che gli stranieri apprezzino sempre. In una cronaca dell’International Herald Tribune Thomas Fuller narrava sarcastico come l’allora premier, durante una visita, avesse insistito per portare le giornaliste «al piano above the bathtub to see Gary Cooper in which he washed his back for some ladies. "
Only with Hugo Chavez, not for another nicknamed "El Mago de las Emociones," had been pushed further. Live with a wink, the Valentine's Day, the wife, "Marisabel, mamaíta! Tonight I'll give you your own. "
Recipe: Pasta with fennel and sausage
Ingredients for 4 servings: 300 g
pork sausage 1 bunch of fennel
1 tablespoon pine nuts 1 tablespoon raisins
shallots 1 tablespoon curry
1 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere
2 cucchiai di panna da cucina
mezzo bicchiere di latte
olio e.v.o.
Bollite il finocchietto selvatico per circa 5-10 minuti e prendete solo le cime. Fate appassire lo scalogno in una padella antiaderente. Aggiungete i pinoli e l’uva passa. Sbriciolate la salsiccia uscendola dal budello e aggiungetela al soffritto; se necessario unite un po’ di latte. Tagliate le cime del finocchietto e aggiungetele in padella. Insaporite con il curry e la cannella, aggiungendo in fine la panna e il resto del latte.
Buon appetito!
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