Questa settimana da Gaspare ho comprato fave, piselli freschi e carciofi. Ad un siciliano tutto ciò richiama solo ed unicamente un piatto: la frittella. E’ un piatto tradizionale e non so se solo della mia città . Ogni famiglia ha il proprio how to cook, you ask: "What is there to vary the vegetable stew?". I will answer, "but you're crazy?". Until yesterday, I also thought like you, but I opened up a world: "Make frittedda? Be careful, do not add water" "do not add salt to the beans they throw," not arriminare (mix), you gently shake the pan, I recommend! "" the fire must be very sweet. " Okay, okay, I have uploaded of anxiety! In the end I decided to do it my way, I stew the vegetables:). I do not say that sweetness and taste! I do not know if that depend on organic vegetables or vegetables that are in season. We threatened to finish the bowl in two. Try and then tell me what you think.
Ingredients 1 kg fresh broad beans 1 kg fresh peas
2 shallots 1 bunch fresh mint
1 cup milk or 1 lemon salt and pepper
1 wire extra virgin olive oil fi
Clean the artichokes and put them in a bowl with water and lemon juice or water and milk. Clean and rinse the beans and peas. Clean and slice the shallots. Fry onion with oil and place the artichokes and cut into slices not too small. After two minutes add the beans and peas. Tradition you do not want to add water, but some do so in defiance of bad luck. Lower the heat and cover as much as possible, leaving everything to cook for twenty minutes. Every now and then you just shake the pan and not to run with a wooden spoon, or you risk ruining the artichokes. When cooked, add salt (if needed), pepper and chopped mint.
Serve hot or cold.
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