Friday, March 11, 2011

Leather How To Make A Leather Couch Shinny


do not know what I took, but this time I fixed the starters. Will that appeal to me because it takes much imagination in them and I, having very little, I have the desire to try and improve the preparation of this magnitude. When you flip through any magazine or cookbook in the end my curiosity is always kidnapped by various kinds of dog food, from sandwiches of many colors and tastes, not to know what other devilry that combines ingredients so different but in the end manage to come together to reveal new tastes and new delights for the palate. With this being said who knows what you expect to have cooked, but in fact are made with a recipe for crostini classical, but I enjoyed imagining the possible and prepare them in the presentation. It finally came out this result for which they are still satisfied.

Ingredients for 16 crostini:
a pack of 80 g of Philadelphia
1 tablespoon capers
5 tablespoons olive green
100 g of canned tuna
salad dried tomato paste
poppy seeds

Blend olives and capers and add the tuna and continue blending. Put the mixture in a bowl with the Philadelphia and mescolare per bene. Passare la crema nei crostini; ricoprire con l’insalata mista tagliata finemente; al centro del crostino aggiungere un cucchiaino di crema al tonno e sopra disporre una punta di un cucchiaino di paté di pomodori secchi. Spolverare con una manciata di semi di papavero.

Voglio tanto ringraziare Giulia che mi ha passato questo premio molto gradito. E' bello sapere che c'è qualcuno che ti segue e apprezza le tue sperimentazioni e i tuoi pasticci in cucina. Grazie Giulia, non è stato proprio giovedì, ma ci ho messo un giorno in più.

Red Bump Same Place On Penis

magnitude 8.9 earthquake in Japan

Post updated continuously at the bottom (until I have time)
Hello everyone, I resume the blog with a story heard on the radio while I was having breakfast.
This morning to 05:46:23 UTC (6:46 in Italy) an earthquake of magnitude Mw 8.6 about 8.8 / 8.9 struck northeastern Japan, one of the strongest (if not the strongest) recorded in the western Pacific.

Il calcolo del momento tensore effettuato tramite la rete GEOFON dell'Istituto di Posdam ha evidenziato il seguente meccanismo focale:

Tale meccanismo corrisponde ad una sorgente tipo Thrust completamente coerente con la tettonica dell'area.

La profondità dell'evento risulta superficiale e compresa tra 15 Km (Postdam rete GEOFON) e 24 Km (INGV rete MEDNET)

Come generalmente (e direi quasi normalmente) avviene per tutti i terremoti di tipo tettonico, there was a seismic sequence that preceded the main event and a subsequent ongoing. In fact, the main event (main shock) was preceded by a quake of magnitude 7.2 and later by 21 aftershocks of magnitude> 5 (Fore-shocks) and is currently followed by another swarm of adjustment "(After- shocks) of 30 events with magnitude> 5 with at least 13 events up to magnitude greater than 6.
Following the events recorded by the USGS network, for more info (updated), go HERE .

sequence of the Fore-shocks recorded by the USGS network

  Main-shock e sequenza degli After-shocks registrata dalla rete USGS

Per i profani della materia, ricordo che i terremoti si possono misurare:
  • tramite la stima dei danni (scala Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg o la scala giapponese JMA) che è fortemente influenzata dalla tipologia delle costruzioni (antisismiche o non) oppure dalla densità delle abitazioni (un forte terremoto nel deserto avrebbe una intensità pari a zero)
Scala Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg

Scala JMA

  • tramite il calcolo della magnitudo (Richter, Momento sismico, Onde volume, Onde L ecc., ovvero il calcolo dell'energia liberata), che è una scala logaritmica e per questo un terremoto è circa trenta volte più energetico per ogni unità di magnitudo (ad esempio un terremoto di magnitudo 5 ha circa trenta volte l'energia di uno di magnitudo 4, un terremoto di magnitudo 6 libera circa mille volte l'energia di uno di magnitudo 4 e così via)
Rapporto between magnitude and equivalent TNT

areas nearest the epicenter, the site USGS are Sendai, Iwaki, Koriyama, Mörike, Fukushima, Yamagata.

below the historical earthquakes in

The quake was strongly also felt in Tokyo where the skyscrapers and ranged where there seems to be a victim (Source ). At the moment seems to be with an unknown number of wounded.
Also in Tokyo were stopped all the metro lines, railways directed to the north of the country, was interrupted air traffic at the airport, and were stopped nuclear power plants. From the website of the Republic a video of the quake:

authorities and international agencies have now launched the ' tsunami warning in Russian Siberia and the Mariana Islands. Alerted to the island of Guam, the Marshall Islands, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Narau, Micronesia and Hawaii. And in fact the tsunami hit, in some areas up to 10 meters high waves crashed onto the shores of the city of Sendai as always to the north island of Honshu, they would have had waves even higher. Here the site of the Republic images and then the video:

Stay tuned for updates (weather permitting)


AGGIORNAMENTO 11/03/2011 alle 11.45
A 4 ore dal sisma ( dal sito di Repubblica ):
  • Il bilancio del terremoto stilato dai media giapponesi, è di 32 morti
  • Lo tsunami (con onde alte fino a 10m) si è spinto fino a 5 chilometri all'interno della prefettura di Fukushima, e c'è la possibilità (ci vorranno ancora diverse ore prima di saperlo) che un'onda anomala potrebbe raggiungere le coste del Cile, infatti il punto più lontano che potrebbe toccare lo tsunami,è fra 23 ore,
  • Un inizio di incendio è stato segnalato in un edificio che ospita una turbina Nuclear Power in Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture
  • In Tokyo are burning gas plants.

Let's hope so ......

UPDATE 11/03/2011 at 12.15

And as the mother of idiots is always pregnant ......... could be missing? Cerrrrrto not!!
and in fact sewer on site, it appeared the magic Ron (a Boeotian) supported by the brave komandanten:

The ever-mythical correlation between earthquakes and HARRP .......... In short, the festival of ignorance!
I would point out to everyone that as already in his time sbufalato
enough to consider the limits imposed by physics and geophysics by doing the math to figure out the plot on HAARP, the monitoring of earthquakes, climate, etc.. etc.. does not exist or at least (as would the legendary Praveen) exists only in the minds of flawed Straker, Zret and lackeys.

Cheers again

Update 13:30

  • the dead would be 40 and wounded 39 in the final but I do not think a ship as a with 100 passengers would have been hit by the wave of the tsunami
  • E 'was declared the emergency and nuclear power plants were off 4. Government sources seem to have ensured that there were no radioactive leaks.

From the CNN website some very impressive video of the Tsunami:

More from the CNN website some pictures of the earthquake:


Update 15:00

Also from the site of the Republic:

  • Forty-eight people, including 23 students, are missing after the tsunami arrival at the port of Ofunato, in northeastern Japan.
  • Between 200 and 300 bodies were found on a beach in Sendai, on the island of Honshu in the north-eastern Japan, tsunami.
  • A train service in the coastal area of \u200b\u200bMiyagi prefecture in northeastern Japan, is currently missing after the tsunami, was in service on the line connecting the cities of Sendai and Ishinomaki.
  • The threat has triggered the tsunami warning from Chile to California. and in Hawaii (where it is already there)
  • Allo stato attuale sembra che non ci siano fughe radioattive dalle centrali nucleari.
Sul sito ciofeca intanto la sagra dell'idiozia e dell'ignoranza continua la cui chicca è questa :
Si commenta da solo....... (sono proprio bipedi piccoli piccoli)!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jcpenney Hair Color Prices


This month is very strange, the air feels that there is a spring that wants to explode with its smells and its colors, but everything is still stifled by the cold polar . Now they are long days and when I wake up early in the morning, I already dawning. I would have waited longer to post the photos that I plan to do, I wanted to wait for a better light, but here a few weeks the sky is still overcast and I have no patience.
I think however this view has its own charm, when you open a small hole in the leaden sky, out of rays sun make shine the surface of the sea, which illuminate in a unique and spectacular landscape of some particular you're looking at. Yesterday afternoon, back home I could not resist and I diverted to the beach. I started to do some 'of photos and wanted to give.

am very attached to this beach.
Too bad I can not even give you the flavors of the sea. I also added a photo to which they are bound, shot in the summer in the same place.

This place fascinates me in any month year! With these shots
join the blog-candy Erica

Monday, March 7, 2011

Coping With Pterygium


 Questo è un antipasto veloce e buonissimo; certo, magari non è molto carino da vedere, anche perché non ci ho pensato molto su nel preparare la presentazione del piatto. Mi piace il contrasto del gusto deciso della crema con il gusto amarostico   dell’indivia. E’ una sensazione piacevole. Se gradite di più, you can still spreadable cream along the leaf, I like it because it closes only in the mouth with the endive leaves you a feeling of freshness and desire to take even a leaf!

1 Belgian Endive
1 robiola
2 handfuls of pistachios passed to the mixer
2 slices of bacon

With the mixer chop the pistachios in a bowl and dip, skip to the finely mixer slices of bacon cut into small pieces and add to the bowl along with robiola. Mix well and spread a little in each piece of endive.

Nice Message In January


Hello everyone, beginning the week posting my participation in the collection of photos organized by Caris . I really enjoyed reading the initiative. Everything stems from the growing media interest to the bloggers who blog take care of cooking, more and more often that the Tg instead of dealing with international problems of infectious gusts of popular revolutions, the problems of our country, go to commit-minute information with dedicated services to this new craze. It seems that we are really a lot! If we go to see the photos that accompany these services, one is amazed. Practically in front of us imagine the kitchen with only the apron on him, perhaps with a heel 12 and a makeup event "that catches the first pass." I agree with Caris when he says we are light years away from reality. His proposal is to collect as many photos as possible in blogger to put the kitchen and send it to journalists, so they call themselves, who have made a distorted idea of \u200b\u200breality.
I participate with these photos, which showed me with my "Star Trek Swimsuit Model" soft and comfortable to cook:

and my "Model Sbirulino Slippers"

This is not say I do not cook under other clothes, but this is the exclusive domain of my husband, tie!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Free Ip-hider For Ubuntu Linux


Tired of the usual stew stew with vegetables, I was looking for something new. I found this tasty recipe, an alternative way to cook this meat which in itself is not very versatile.
Ingredients for 4:
500 g of beef stew meat 50 g butter
1 large onion 2 teaspoons tomato paste
2 cups hot stock (even half a nut)
30 g breadcrumbs salt
pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1 packet of seasonings
Ariosto for stews and braised
250 g of boiled rice Thai

Clean and finely chop the onion and pass it in a pan with butter. Just golden, add the chopped meat and stir with a wooden spoon to brown well. Add the tomato paste, paprika, the contents of the sachet Ariosto and a little 'pepper. After browned, reduce heat and cook low heat covered for one hour. From time to time add the stock. Before serving with the Thai white rice add the bread to absorb the sauce. Instead of rice can be served with mashed potatoes

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Alpine White Chocolate Ba

I thought and thought the recipe that would immediately draw in our imaginations Italy that enclose all the beauty of our country, I will speak only of this and nothing else.
the end the choice fell on the sandwich mozzarella, tomato and basil. The basil is
the green of the mountains, from north to south all have their charm;
the freshness and great taste of buffalo mozzarella instead of symbolizing the strong character of this country (at least I thought at one time), the tomato is the
symbol of the Italian summer, its bright colors, its scents.
sandwich with sesame (The bread recipe can find it here )
1 buffalo mozzarella
3 organic tomatoes 1 bunch fresh basil
a handful of extra virgin olive oil of oregano
olive oil salt and pepper

Open the sandwich, I leave you the choice whether or not to remove the soft inside (everyone has their own taste). Dress with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper halves. Slice the mozzarella and tomatoes. Wash the basil leaves. Place the sandwich in order to create the Italian flag. Finish with a little oil and a handful of oregano.

With this recipe I participate in the contest