Monday, February 7, 2011

Brazilian Wax After Swelling And Dots

What more appropriate name for this? I came to mind after the first bite because it is a satisfaction it designed and then implemented. To repay the effort it took was a smile of my husband. It 's really a lust!
sponge Ingredients: 4 eggs
150 g sugar 150 g gluten Biaglut
grated rind of 1 lemon 4 tablespoons
glucose syrup orange aroma
a pinch of salt

Wet Ingredients:
100 g sugar 100 g

I Chantilly Cream Ingredients: 250 g
milk 2 egg yolks 75 g sugar
20 g gluten Biaglut
a bowl of strawberries
500 g liquid cream

50 g sugar 4 tablespoons glucose syrup aroma orange

Prepare sponge cake (for procedure see HERE ) by adding at the end of flavored syrup .
Bake at 160 degrees for 25 minutes. Turn off after the test stick (a skewer inserted into the cake should come out dry).
Let cool.
For the cream I recommend it because it needs at least 4 hours before sleep. The risk is that once the cake stuffed cream coli by all parties. Heat the milk (up to about 80 °). Meanwhile, add the egg yolks in a saucepan with the sugar. A tip: the yolks should be at room temperature and do not use the electric whisk for a compound should not be mounted. With holy patience mixed with a silicone spatula or with a hand whisk. Add the flour a tablespoon. Mix everything until a dough that does not have lumps. Add the hot milk and stir with a whisk to dissolve the whole. Spend all the cooking going a mescolare, prima con la spatola raschiando il fondo, e poi con la frusta quando la crema comincia ad addensarsi. Togliete dal fuoco e continuate a mescolare. Aggiungete lo sciroppo di glucosio aromatizzato. Come vi ho scritto prima deve riposare in frigo dopo averla raffreddata a temperatura ambiente. Procedete a dividere il pan di spagna in tre parti che bagnerete per bene con la bagna preparata mescolando bene lo zucchero con il maraschino. Procedete  a montare la panna con lo zucchero a velo e dividetela in tre parti: una parte deve essere mescolata con la crema e metà delle fragoline; la seconda parte la mescolate con il resto delle fragoline e la terza parte la userete per ricoprire l’esterno della torta.
Cominciate ad assemblare the cake from the bottom. I did the first coat with yellow cream, but I recommend you start with the cream and strawberries, so that there is distance between this layer and the coating of cream cake. It 's just a matter of beauty. In summary, from the bottom up: the first layer is made of cream made with cream and strawberries, and the second is made of whipped cream and strawberries. Once closed, proceed to put on the cake with the cream with the aid of a spatula. Let rest in refrigerator, if you can, for one hour.


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